BTW guys. Amity isn't a full on yandere so don't have high expectations in terms of her love interests. The yandere types that fit her is obsessive, stalker, and protective. She doesn't kill only hurts people (usually that of her own sex). But she also knows how to separate herself from her emotions when she snaps out of that mindset. A lot of why she is the way she is, is due to her past - which I have yet to really dive into. She's more of an extremely dedicated girl with issues, like an onion she has complexities. Tonight, there is a high chance she will probably make out with Kazu (and maybe Shizuka xDD) and this is why: 1) she's a 22 year old virgin 2) she's drunk 3) she has underlining feelings for Kazu 4) she's trying not to think about Shou because she's doubting he loves her for her. In every post I make, I justify her actions. Her love for Shou is slightly different then her crushes/"fiances" in highschool but still sets her "mindset" off because he swept her off her feet. Lastly, she may not even remember half the shit that happens tonight in her mansion.