[center][h1][color=a187be]Risa Couri[/color][/h1] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-h1HqgEj7Aqc/UVC6eKXG9zI/AAAAAAAACYU/cQs8Piw_Il0/s1600/amarhante.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Braun Mansion, New York State [b]Interacting With:[/b] Mr. Braun, Lucas[/center][hr] Risa stood there, looking in shock over the broken glass, Braun none to happy with what had happened but his face went from angered to smooth rather quickly as Risa came over to him and rested her hand on his shoulder. A soft understanding smile gracing her lips. [color=a187be]"Is my Prince Charming alright?"[/color] she asked in a gentle voice, Braun taking her hand and kissing the back of it once again as he tried to play it smooth; which in all honesty only made Rise want to belt him across the jaw but she kept the smith plastered on her features. "Of course Cinderella, I am just glad it was not your heel that broke," he joked. Risa nearly rolled her eyes and gagged; Lucas was beginning to rub off on her. [color=a187be]"Shall we get a drink then why they clean this up?"[/color] she suggested as she laced her arm through his and began to lead him off the dance floor. He smirked and shook his head, turning directions and leading her towards the balcony. [color=a187be][i]"Great, just great,"[/i][/color] Risa thought to herself, the last thing she wanted to be was alone with this fool but at least it would keep his security more focused on her than Lucas when he had to slip back in. Stepping out onto the balcony she stepped away from Braun and over to the ledge, perhaps she should jump? Would make for one grand exit. Granted it was no leaving behind a glass slipper but perhaps it would speak volumes; that she would rather leap from a balcony than be alone with him. That would be a blow to his over inflated ego. Taking a slow breath she just rested her hands along the stone railing and looked out over the gardens. Braun adjusting his tux sleeve before he came up behind, resting his hand on her lower back; god she hated this dress, it left far too much of her skin free to the goons hands to roam over. And did he ever try but Risa stayed calmed and played it coy. Though after a bit she had to find a way to get back to the main room. One good thing about heels is they were easy to catch on the delicate fabric of her gown, in which she did. [color=a187be]"Oh dear, I seemed to have an issue, just a minute and I will be right back,"[/color] she toyed as she pulled at his bow tie and undid it. [color=a187be]"Why not have your staff bring us out some drinks to relax with and then we can choose an even more private location,"[/color] she said coyly before she started to saunter off. Braun swallowed slightly and nodded as Risa made her way back towards the main ball room. A relieved look nearly came over her face as she spotted Lucas had returned. [color=a187be]"Let's go before that pompous neanderthal decides to club me over the head and drag me off to a cave,"[/color] she said quietly as she stepped over to Lucas.