[h1][b]Adam Mallory[/b][/h1] [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Race:[/b] Terran [b]Homeworld:[/b] New Terra [hr] [hider=Appearance] (Image coming soon) Adam is roughly 6' tall and weights about 180 lbs. He has dark brown hair and green eyes. He typically keeps his hair short on the sides, a little longer at the top but usually slicked back. He has a lithe, muscular frame thanks to his constant training in swordfighting, parkour and freerunning. [/hider] [hider=Personal History] [h3]Childhood[/h3] Adam's life on New Terra never suited him. Born to a rich family made richer from their numerous investments globally and off-planet, Adam had everything in life handed to him. Being the youngest and most dolted upon, Adam developed a rebellious streak which often landed him in police custody or under house arrest. Finally tired of getting caught, he started training in parkour and freerunning. By the age of 20, Adam had started his short-lived career thieving. He started off picking his targets carefully, making sure they were wealthy and very well off but on the other side of the planet. Eventually, his overconfidence caught up with him when he tried to steal a precious family heirloom from a counsellor. The counsellor happened to be good friends with his parents and Adam was made instantly. He was arrested and charged with grand larceny. His parents were furious. Adam had used their money to pull off the heists he had done in the past, including this one. They had enough and refused to bail him out. After Adam was sentenced to 10 year in prison, DefCom intervened at his father's behest. The recruiter gave Adam two choices, either enlist or spend the best years of his life in jail. The decison was a no-brainer. [h3]Military Life[/h3] Adam discovered while he wasn't the best marksman in his class, he was one of the best in close quarter combat. He had also taken up swordfighting as an elective and just like CQC, he scored at the top of his class. As he went through OCS, he found his strength laid in tactics and strategy but only did average with command. After being briefed on the various areas of service, Adam chose to be a pilot. Always hoping that he would get off New Terra someday, he saw this career path as the best--maybe the only opportunity he would get to do so. After graduating from flight school, he had joined various squadrons. Most of the time his squadron was on stand-by to help escort unexpected visitors, or they're patrolling a trade lane. One day, Adam was given the option to join the combat squadron [i]Wylde Fyre[/i] to help investigate the mysterious disappearances at the fringes of League space. Just like 13 years ago, he accepted the transfer without hesitation. [/hider] [hider=Personality] Adam loves to smile, but he can't help himself when he's nervous or in an awkward situation. This tends to cause confusion with his friends and squadmates. Adam avoid explaining it, mostly out of embarrassment. Adam is quite protective of his friends and squadmates. Some of his squadmates find his over-the-top desire to protect patronizing. Some find it misleading, thinking he protected them out of a deeper interest in them. While military training and life have taught Adam to be more disciplined, his excitable self tends to show through when he has nothing to do. It's typical to see him with infosec testing simulations or scouring through data, or with engineering as a second set of hands. Adam is the type that won't be satisified with things given to him. He's had enough of that in his childhood. It's one of the reasons why military life agreed with him better than people had expected. [/hider] [hider=Gear & Equipment] [list] [*]Standard issue pilot suit [*]M47 tactical sword & M36 tactical knife [*]M29 Combat Shotgun [*]M8 Kenaz Combat Pistol [*]Smoke Grenades [/list] [/hider] [hider=Fighter Customization] A hand wielding a sword, the blade pointed towards the nose of the fighter. The motif is located below the canopy and on both sides of the fighter. [/hider]