Hoo boy another year, another check in. Damn its already been four fuckin years since I first posted this thing? Time flies Anyway I guess I should probably introduce myself: The name's Specter, 23 years old and I've been off and on roleplaying for quite a while now, mostly on the old version of the Guild but its probably been long enough now that most folks don't remember it. I'm also a guy by the way, probably should point that out I guess. I'll say it up front now that I'm extremely fickle when it comes to writing. Its something I really enjoy doing but writers block can creep up real easily. As y'all have no doubt noticed by now I'm also pretty out of practice. It'll take me a decent amount of time to get my grammar sense back up to snuff provided I don't take another 10 month hiatus like I just came back from. My availability is also all over the place since I work for a living and I've got shit to do when I get home. Most of my posts will be in the late afternoons and the weekends. That's if I post at all, sometimes it'll be every day, sometimes it'll be once a week, other times it'll be once a month. That's the shitty thing about my writer's block, I can't promise when it'll come in and how long it'll last. If you're okay with the above here's the part where I ramble a little about me and what I like to write about: I'm a red blooded American Male, I own and maintain two firearms, I eat red meat and I drink Jameson from the bottle. I'd tell you my political views but frankly if modern times have proven anything its that people aren't really willing to agree to disagree, so I'll let you form your own conclusions. We've all got our own opinions so why don't we just leave it at that eh? Anyways, my preferences in roleplaying are pretty much like my own life: Simple. Military history and fiction are my bread and butter, history in general is a passion of mine. I'd love to do a story in an Old Norse setting or Ancient Rome during the Republic or the Empire. That being said I'm not picky, I've done a lot, from Superheros to Pantheons to the Post Apocalypse. I'm down for most everything if the idea is interesting enough. I like to incorporate a lot of mature things in my stories, violence, strife, misery, romance, taxes etc. but I have to admit that nothing bogs a story down for me like sex does. My writers block is unpredictable but it absolutely comes in full force when sex gets introduced. Don't get me wrong, sexual content isn't bad, I enjoy it quite a bit but its a surefire way to cause a roleplay to come to a grinding (hehe) halt. Needless to say I prefer to just fade to black and let the imagination do the job. I used to be a high casual to low advanced kind of guy and I like to say that I still am. As far as post length goes anyways, I apologize in advance for shitty grammar. As for pairings, I'm pretty plain, I like writing what I know and I'm a guy. So I like sticking with MxF pairs. Same goes for playing different races and stuff, I like being a normal human, I've been told by a DnD partner that my taste is very boring, they're not wrong. (Though let's be fair, the spice from a good personality can make ANYTHING great and unique) I'm pretty light on story ideas so I think I'll just list some of my favorite characters that I've created over the years and if any of you lovely ladies are interested we can hash details over private messages. DRAMATIS PERSONAE: [hider= Marcus Skylark and Nameless] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/acb0ec6c-03b1-4660-930e-283d3df42925/d73kp8r-df75b5f0-9005-4a9d-a70f-215ac7e01041.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_832,q_80,strp/alor_desktop_background_by_carantathraiel_d73kp8r-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD04MzIiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9hY2IwZWM2Yy0wM2IxLTQ2NjAtOTMwZS0yODNkM2RmNDI5MjVcL2Q3M2twOHItZGY3NWI1ZjAtOTAwNS00YTlkLWE3MGYtMjE1YWM3ZTAxMDQxLnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.FcLTvXuNKzzToOFgV89NiguBncMQyJ9SdBom8bZslUE[/img] (Guy in the front is Nameless and the guy in the back is Marcus. [@Carantathraiel] drew this for me back in 2014, damn its been a while) Marcus was the first character I created on the old guild. I guess you could say he was my teenage OC, the story he was involved with is pretty long and drawn out, kind of embarrassing really but I can't help but have a soft spot for him. The cliffnotes version is that these two are half human, half elemental. Marcus's dad was the elemental aspect of Light, Nameless's mother was the elemental aspect of Earth. Their parents were murdered by Death and they've embarked on a merry little roaring rampage of revenge. They control their elements like they're a part of themselves but there's a limit on what they can do, depending on how far along they've developed. They're also ageless, but their bodies are still human and mortal, Marcus is the oldest, being over a few thousand years and his body is degrading around him, every time he uses his powers it gets worse. They've done a lot of traveling throughout their lives, Marcus especially so I'd be more interested in doing a story when either is younger. They can hop between dimensions and basically show up in any setting, but generally Nameless came from a fantasy setting, Marcus came from a more or less real world setting. They're pretty much polar opposites in terms of personality, Marcus is very brash, angry, headstrong. Likely to kick down a door and make things up on the fly. Whereas Nameless is quiet, doesn't talk much, thinks ahead, generally a lot more passive. [/hider] [Hider= John Henick] [img]https://fsa.zobj.net/crop.php?r=b2cGdSKfogQaK4Sr4ZpEoa6b9cFdYJJyesWKAkYEJiyLTUY5qihPBI55A7a9nahvFL9ofPic66IRl0xbhCtSdVB82HTzgF58i_jkWtjhIV8AUF4ZiYUeDjBWfWWVTK7P7EnPtRZstcMiGdUg[/img] John's a personal favorite of mine, he was created for a post apocalyptic setting, he was a southern gentleman who enlisted and went off to Germany when the virus struck and wiped out the majority of the population, the things he saw and did there deeply, deeply scarred him and the trauma only compounded when he finally came back home only to find out that home doesn't exist anymore. He took to wandering the remains of the US with a faithful dog named Teddy. Meeting all sorts of people, having to slot most of them. [/hider] I've got a few more kicking around, will update them in after work tomorrow. Maybe. Probably