The bar was experiencing it's normal calm affairs for most of the day. It's patronage was very diverse compared to the rest of Sol. It seemed this bar was a hotspot for travelers that visited the village of Sunfire. It was a pretty clean place, but very homely at the same time. The plants and vines that grew around the place helped give it's calming touch. A hushed roar could be heard through the bar as various conversations leaked out from their intended circles and mixed through the bar. That was until some Fotian soldiers came around and tried to start an uproar. Garaten and Tamara were enjoying themselves in the fine establishment. Garaten was particularly enoying himself. He loved the feel of the place while being able to get good drinks. It was one of his favorite places to let every stress go. He would often go and keep a good buzz while taking in the healing aura of the bar that protrayed the Sol so well. Tamara was working her way to drunkeness. The calm vibe wasn't her favorite scene. She knew how much Garaten loved it and let him enjoy it for now. It was their day off and he normally took her more fun places later on in the day. She was pregaming in preparation for those times. She was pretty resistant to hangovers unlike Garaten. He didn't find the release of drunkeness worth the pain the next morning, so he was always keeps himself relatively sober. The interruption of the Fotian soldiers could be heard beginning outside with a couple of Sol guards. As they burst into the bar and began flipping tables, both Garaten and Tamara were feeling the same things towards them, but for different reasons. Garaten was getting flustered that they were interrupting his quiet time. He didn't get it often and now a couple of hotheads came in thinking they could do what they want. He kept a cool head though and realized he was only angry because his relaxing was being disturbed. Any other place he wouldn't give a second thought to hotheads other than his own Tamara. She was getting riled up because she was quick to react without thinking. It was easy to influence her emotions with the change of the mood and these guys bringing in hostility, raised some hostility in her. Instead of jumping up to face them, she also kept quiet and followed Garaten's lead. Garaten had gotten her out of trouble several times before because of brash actions, and she didn't want to cause him any trouble today. As the guards left Tamara turned back to Garaten. [b][color=568b51]"What do you think that was about?"[/color][/b] Garaten had a better grasp of the situation. [b][color=85e11a]"It was nothing just some stupid Fotians, overreacting to some thiefs. All I have to say is good on the thiefs. I almost want to go help them."[/color][/b] Meanwhile Krutik and Cara were sitting farther back into the bar watching the events unfold. It was fortunate for the soldiers that they were in the back. Neither Krutik nor Cara were very fond of the Fotians for their own reasons. They were very agressive and many supported the Therosi. He wanted all of the Therosi dead along with anyone who agreed with them. Krutik did see a good source of money coming from the Fotians though. As long as he could take advantage of them, he didn't mind having them around. These particular Fotians weren't useful to either of them though. Tearianaris and Fotia had never really gotten along, ever. The difference in views and opinions harbored a bitterness between the two. Cara wasn't too quick to judge people, but when they already had the profile, it's really hard not to assume they match the assumptions entirely. The hotheaded Fotians were a constant annoyance to others. Cara wondered how such thoughtless people could have the technology they had. She saw them as nothing more than dumb brutes. Even Krutik seemed a little dramatic with his hatred of them, but she could overlook that since she agreed with him. The soldiers weren't their long and didn't really bother them in the back to much. They were already hunting the two that the soldiers were searching for. It appeared the Fotians really wanted those thieves back. They ignored the dimwits as they posted their sign and left. [b][color=5e29e3]"It looks like the calvary finally caught up with us. These thieves must have stolen something valuable. Do you have any idea what it is?"[/color][/b] [b][color=ee0f0f]"If their the calvary, doesn't that make us their dogs? No. I don't know what they stole, but money tends to buy power and if we get our hands on that, we may be able to get much more than just a couple thousand gold."[/color][/b] [b][color=5e29e3]"Haha, so you're finally going to turn against them? I'm proud of you Kru, I thought you would have killed those two as well."[/color][/b] [b][color=ee0f0f]"We don't need more attention drawn to us than we already have, and that's only if these thieves are useful enough to us. We probably should keep an eye out with these soldiers. We've been here a few days already and we lost their tracks here. They obviously don't have any more clues than we do, but now numbers help with an area search, we'll just have to steal the thieves if they find them.[/color][/b]