[b][color=ec008c]"Eden, wake up."[/color][/b] small claws pushed against his horns. [b][color=ec008c]"Eden... Come on, Wake up."[/color][/b] A relatively futile attempt at waking the sleeping man, that is until he rolled over and fluttered his eyes awake as he flashed her a grin and patted her head with a two fingers. She was a bit upset at the patronizing action, still treating her as a pet after all these years, or at least knowing that this irritates her to no end so he does it anyways to her. That was the way he was, teasing her and pressing her buttons just to smile back with that cocksure grin. The low guttural growls and quick spouts of flames to singe his fingers was what their ritual normally earned him, to which why should today be any different? [b][color=f26522]"Good morning Eve to you too Eve."[/color][/b] He yawned, rubbing his warmed fingers before letting the fairy dragon clamber onto of his palm and scramble her way up his arm as he stretched at the edge of the bed. Beside him some Vrondi girl still sleeping off the night, as he arose to greet the new day, planning to walk out on to the balcony's ledge and climbing the vines to the rooftop to catch some of that Vrondi sunlight. To which his draconic companion on his shoulder had to remind him he was still without a scrap of clothing, and he should not go out in public without them being royalty and all. This would have been disregarded if it were not for her increasing protests and attempts to tug on his horns as if to guide him back to collect his discarded articles of clothing from around the room. [b][color=f26522]"Not so loud Eve. She's still sleeping you know. You know how much we tuckered her out last night..."[/color][/b] Eve hissed in reply, commenting that she took no part in it, only to be nailed with a one-liner which escaped his lips. [b][color=f26522]"Well, you sure didn't leave the room either."[/color][/b] If a dragon could blush, and if Eve was not a red dragon to begin with, she would certainly be turning red at the last remark her companion made while fasting his kilt around his waist and reaching for his shoulder piece. Well it was true that she was there during the whole time he was with her, it was not her fault that they merely laughed at her request for a room of her own. So of course she had to be there, for the entire night, watching Eden and his latest pick-up from the bar downstairs enjoying themselves and each other. Not that she was watching, or maybe not that she would ever admit to it, but Eve was a bit possessive of Eden. Yet, it was not like this Vrondi girl was the first girl Eden had charmed much to Eve's displeasure. Regardless, embarrassment was quickly replaced with annoyance once again as Eve refused to leave Eden's shoulder as he was beginning to strap him brassard over it. [b][color=f26522]"Fine be that way,"[/color][/b] Eden feigned a sigh as he set the armor aside on the nightstand, [b][color=f26522]"At least she thought you were cute. Besides, the Bartender did tell me to try some of the local flavours..."[/color][/b] Eve said something of an outcry but Eden paid her comment no mind as he began to climb the vines outside now. Something had caught his attention however half-way through the climb, as small group of Fotian soldiers seemed to be march into the bar. Well not march but walk, four was hardly a decent amount for marching, and either Eden had been naughty enough to require some baby-sitting soldiers to accompany him in Vrondi, or there was something exciting about to happen. So he climbed back down and opted to stand in the doorway of his room, watching from above the happenings of this little drama which would unfold itself. So they came here to search for some wanted person then? Odd, a long away to send forces here without notice to Eden who they knew was visiting Vrondi, or at least should know given his status of being one of the A-list of Fotia. Maybe it was time to remind them who they still served no? To cause such a ruckus to all these people and leave was generally impolite, especially if you were just a common solider without royal blood. Certainly he was planning on doing just that himself, if not in a smaller manner by leaving the girl he had awoke up with, well the girl who was not Eve, because if it was one girl Eden remained faithful to it was the dragoness currently pouting on his shoulder at the actions of the soldiers and making Fotia look bad. [b][color=f26522]"By Order of the Fotian Army, and House Niscent-Hanoxx, you are not to leave this establishment until you have personally apologized to everyone for causing this disturbance, and buy everyone a round of drinks."[/color][/b] Eden announced, pointing a commanding finger at the leaving soldiers. He was unsure of what this would do, and how they would react, although they should have some idea of who he was, possibly, maybe? Either way, this bold move certainly would have quieted the atmosphere a bit, and Eve was already curling up around her friend's neck as he was quite regally lording over entire bar from the floor above. It was good to be royal-born, and Eve had no complaints about him currently attempting to impose his authority over some trouble-causing men. It did make for good public reception for Eden, and she was more than happen to allow him to not completely make himself into a royal playboy. --- [color=440eb2]"Bring us to him..."[/color] [color=440e82]"Bring us to him..."[/color] [color=440e62]"Bring us to him..."[/color] [color=440e42]"Bring us to him..."[/color] [color=440e22]"Bring us to him..."[/color] [color=440e02]"Bring us to him..."[/color] The words recited over in his mind. Their desires echoed, within the darkness. They who guided him this far, they who gave him sight, they who let him see the world. The masters who taught him to cast their spells, how to read and divine their arts, and how to be more than a servant. Yes, he would listen to them, their great advice, their knowledge and wisdom unparalleled. It matters not where they are, for he would listen to them. And they would grant him even greater abilities than just sight, but perhaps they too would let him become like them: Wise and powerful. This was the thoughts of R'lyeh who wandered blindly through the lush forests of Vrondi, feeling his way around the trees and bushes, vines and whatever else he stumbled upon his way. He had no need for sight, not yet at least, not while he was still recovering from his last use of his blood. The masters would guide him through this jungle maze just past the Border of Gaia, they can see all, they who know all.