Well, meet your new [s]overlord[/s].... I mean God of- Nah, I was right the first time. [u][b]Character[/b][/u] [hider=Logos] Name: Logos Alias: God of Kings and King of Gods, I Am That I Am, Order Gender: Male Domain (Portfolio): e.g. Order (Physics) Domain (Portfolio) Description: Before the man walked the earth, before the first drop of ocean fell on barren land, before the stars formed, there was chaos. Boundless, writhing, swirling, bedlam of power and potential. The Chaos found itself shackled by the first Law, placed by Logos. The fundaments that Up is not Down, that Bigger things attract Smaller things, that the potential of what was in the new Universe could not be added too, or erased from existence, and so forth. Thus was the first Law written, and Order brought to heel... ((Since the game is during the Big Bang, someone had to pick the first ever 'Order' of the Universe. Powers include 'manipulating' any of the known theories so long as he obeys them. Increasing the amount of magnetism a piece of iron has (not wood), warping centralized gravity around him, pulling energy from the surrounding air or other objects to heat others up, and so forth!)) Alignment: Lawful Evil - To Logos, the only way all of reality could attain true order is under his rule. Anything less becomes variables for chaos, something he will not tolerate. Personality: Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic. Beyond Logic, setting the proverbial wheels of the universe in motion, is Logos. Cold. Manipulative. Appathetic. Ruthless. Efficient. Showing almost no emotion or passion, Logos is a planner and tactician, often preferring to play a long game and reap the fruits when few others suspect it. Little seems to catch him off guard or unaccounted for, and he views all around him with naught but indifferent disdain. Unlike some other gods, he has little issue appearing to mortals in his truest form and is amongst the ones to converse with them most directly. He is a god because he is a god because he is a god. It is a circular argument, a mental groove permanently carved in his mind, for it is the truest form of Order. He was created to rule, and to rule he would. Acting on a grand design that he alone seems to see, the God of Order enforces his will with cold and efficient brutality. No price is too high, no piece too valuable, no pawn out of place to serve his goals and purposes. When waging war, Logos will stall for time for as long as possible as possible until he deems his foe suitably analyzed and accounted; only to crush them in scant seconds, with each of their actions planned and countered for. Musical Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx_BTgiSoSg&list=PLBF20148FD9A376E0&index=8 Description: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/3224/i/2005/030/3/5/angel_of_death_by_gfys_shadow.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Presence] Logos’s arrival seemed to break the sky. There was a thunderous crack, and the ground shook beneath them. Outside, the massive storm cloud that her mages had summoned over the keep was blown back by an equally massive, expanding white ring. Lucille felt the elder god descending upon them. It was like being in a collapsing mine—thousands of tons of stone bearing down on her to plunge her into airless darkness. Her only instincts were screaming at her to run. She heard her knights shifting uncomfortably, and knew that they felt it too. Blanket mind magic. Fear and hopelessness. The fact that he could both conceive of and cast such as spell was as terrifying as the spell itself. Shouldn’t her magical armor be preventing it from effecting them? Logos knew exactly where they were, as Clarent had suspected. The white ring that had torn through the storm cloud had seemed to be centered directly above them. Seconds after they heard the explosion, Logos broke through the ceiling. He hit the ground with the force of a meteor, and above him the roof split and caved. Shattered stone rained down around them, but strangely none struck the king himself, although he manipulated none with telekinesis. Lucille was glad for the enchantments that they all had on their armor. Clarent moved to stand infront of her, the shards of his blade held taut. In the center of the room, Logos was perfectly still, though his oppressive mind magic still had a hold on them all. When he rose, the motions were flawlessly mechanical, like an automaton winding down. He folded his wings behind his back and then looked at Lucille. Instantly the fear inside of her doubled. It was almost animalistic in the way it screamed at her over her greater senses. She wanted to turn and run, flee from this terrifying immortal predator. She was an insect that he wanted to crush. She needed to hide under a rock. No wonder Logos considered humankind to be semi-intelligent animals next to himself; his presence alone could reduce them to such. The mage next to her began to craft a spell that she hoped would counteract his crippling mind magic. That was when Logos spoke. [b] “No.”[/b] If his presence was fear, his voice was insanity. He hadn’t spoken the word very loudly, and yet it felt as though she were running her face against a concrete wall. She had to fight the urge to cover her ears. [/hider] Concealment Level: 1 Detection Level: 1 [/hider] [u][b]CREATIONS[/b][/u] [Hider=Arcon] [center][h1]Arcon[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hrJePVp.jpg[/img][/center] The planet of Arcon is a world of Logos's own design, painstakingly crafted over the long aeons in his absence from Galabar. Arcon's axis of rotation is tilted 23.2° away from the perpendicular of its orbital plane, producing seasonal variations on the planet's surface with a period of one tropical year 360 solar days. The moon, Luna, is one of two of Arcon's only permanent natural satellite, the other being the miniature star which orbits the planet, Sol. Their gravitational interaction with Arcon's causes ocean tides, stabilizes the orientation of Arcon's rotational axis, and maintain's Arcon's rotational rate. Arcon's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. 45% of Arcon's surface is covered with water, with the remainder consisting of continents and islands that together have many lakes and other sources of water that contribute to the hydrosphere. Arcon's polar regions are mostly covered with ice, including the Hyperborean ice sheet and the sea ice of the Thule ice pack. Arcon's's interior remains active with a solid iron inner core, a liquid outer core that generates the magnetic field, and a convecting mantle that drives plate tectonics. Due to the 'cooler' light of Sol in [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ee/1f/a7/ee1fa7a73bbf6f8bc34da9f7c061af1e.jpg]comparison to other stars[/url], [url=http://www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/10350-Purple-Skies-Ahead.jpg]the skies of Arcon[/url] are [url=http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/12/16/197136/884ab5407a8b00eec4a5724cabc2904e.jpg]tinged in purple[/url]. [/hider] [hider=The Citadel] [center][img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/c016/f/2008/351/6/0/ivory_tower_by_hideyoshi.jpg[/img] [i]Beautiful and hidden, as white flower in the winter's snow, Amid the mountains of Solace, beyond the eyes of the black foe They sang of the trees, which in the forest have shone. They sang of the fountains, which glittered beneath the sun And their streams under Logos, joyfully ran. They sang of the world, and his shaping in toil Of the clouds of the sky, and the ways of the soil Of the depths of the sea, and the Stars of the Knight Which were made long ago, by Elysium the Light.[/i] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Pool of Nyvee]A Co-creation between the Gods Logos and Vowzra, this hidden pool of water contains all the years the couldve have been, and the years that may yet be. Not even Logos is capable of fully navigating or understanding what may be seen within the waters, but they offer a glimpse of prior action and the results of possible timelines... though the visions it offers are often as cryptic and frustrating as Vozra himself.[/hider] [hider=Lifeforms] [hider=The Realta] Species Name: Realta Lifespan: Ageless - Do not reproduce Description: The Realta are Logos's first creation as a sentient race, created as a means of defense for the Planet of Arcon. Forged from the heart of the Citadel, the Realta are being of pure white etheral plasma often wrap in varying ores and minerals, each resumbling the rough shape of their maker. Each Realta's shell is unique and substantially different from the next, giving them each a sense of solidarity. Deep within their core lies Logos's own divine essence, and it is this power which fuels their inner light. As the first line of defense for Arcon, Logos bid the Realta to surround the planet's upper atmosphere and cast their eyes out into the dark abyss, ever watchful and waiting for incursion from beyond the void. From the surface of Arcon, the Realta appear as bright stars in the night sky, their curious formations and alignments seen as constellations by the humans on the surface. At any given moment, only a fraction of the Realta are actually on watch; the rest slumber in the dark and cold, curled in a tight ball of light as they float though the thin shell that seperates the atmosphere of Arcon from the Void. The pattern at which a Realta becomes a Watcher or a Sleeper is unknowable: tens of millenia might pass before a Realta finally determins its shift has ended, only for another seemingly at random to awaken. Though they share no spoken language, a form of communication certainly exists that allows the Watchers to rapidly wake the Sleepers in the event of an enemy incursion. Rarely, a damaged Realta or Sleeper will become caught in the pull of planet and find itself burning in the lower atmosphere, cascading to the ground below in a streak of light. Such Realta are usually destroyed on impact; usually. A Realta could remained buried within the crater, unharmed or damaged, until mountains formed upon it. As soldiers and protectors, they use the essence given by Logos without heisitation, without mercy, and without restraint for collateral damage. Each shell of the Realta, despite the materials of its appearance, is extremely hard to pierce or damage, thereby shielding the Realta inside from harm. Attacking the foes of their gods with streams of white, fiery plasma, the Realta are capable of achieving great speeds due to their thin atmospheric enviroment. Both, of which, they use liberally, along with their great numbers and flanking, to deal with invaders. By itself, a single Realta is worth any mortal army. Unthinking and unspeaking, the Realta know only one higher purpose and that is the servitude of Logos. Weakness: The Realta are limited in number from the moment of their creation, and no power save intervention of Logos himself can repair the damage done to a Realta. Furthermore, the longer the Realta remain in existence, going through varying cycles of watching and sleeping, the less likely the chance of them waking up. Though they burn, and live, as long as the stars they are named after, the essence of Logos that gives them life is limited. One day every star, and every Realta, will finally be extinguished. Appearance: [hider=An example of a Realta with a more revealing shell design][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/98/5d/99/985d9931abd1b0bcccb28d716019960b.jpg[/img][/hider] [i]In numbers uncountable the Realta's beautiful frames vibrated with blinding light and power, each different from the other in subtle ways. Some were sheathed in stone and bronze, iron and gold, silver and steel, mithril and adamantium, platinum and titanium. Each was wrought more beautifully and delicately than the last in the shape of a winged fascimile of Logos, feathers composed of lightning and flame, manes aglow of dancing light. Even their eyes shone bright as the true creatures within gazed out from their armored shells. They formed into ranks, and each and every one turned towards the King of Order. [/i] [/hider] [hider=The Acalya Flower.] [img]http://img06.deviantart.net/43d6/i/2015/310/5/7/the_spirit_tree_by_louisdyer-d9fowux.jpg[/img] The process slowly changes the landscape into what you see, turning the ground under the flowers and trees into crystal and giving it sort of that giant's causeway hexagonal look. Not only that, but creatures who enter the woods wind up coming into contact with spores which change their entire physiology. A crystal creature looks much like it did before its infection, but every muscle and organ of its body has been transformed into clear crystal. Through crystalline skin and bone, a faceted heart is visible, pumping translucent blood that refracts light and makes the creature glow from within. These creatures are seemingly mindless and will stay within the confines of the diamond forest, often staying as still as still as sentinels until some threat endangers the borders of the woods. They no longer need to eat or sleep, and seem deathless unless shattered. [/hider] [/hider]