As he watched the emotionless boy he thought back to a doll his sister had, it was a darling little thing but always gave him the creeps, it's large expressionless eyes on such an innocent and pure face, that's what this little fae child reminded him of. Honestly of course he ought to be screaming, proclaiming the thing wasn't real and calling guards to burn it, he should be panicking but he was both too tired and still too far under the affects of alcohol to over react in such a way. Not of course, that he had ever heard of anything good about the fae people but he saw little need to be afraid and cower openly. The fae child made it blatant that emotion was not his forte and spoke as one might if a character from a story book had suddenly begun answering back. "A person can not live for themselves alone that isn't living, thats just not dying." Though he doubted the fae would understand that either for he only just understood it himself. Approached he remained where he was and listened to all the fae had to say and allowed his own hand to be moved over the handle of the blade. "I have not given up on life, I have given up on making others suffer so I may keep surviving." He dropped his hand from the handle and, half in a daze, reached up to touch some of the oddly fluffy hair atop the fae child's head, running it carefully between his fingers, "If you help make certain that those I need to protect get their protection I will pay you in whatever it is you desire, I will, much to my father's despair, one day be king but I have no use for jewels and trinkets, though by your words you seem more interested in a different form of power. We have a library, if that better takes your fancy?"