Cs Name: Rubi Malone Gender: Female Age: 25 Appearance: [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/9e6b/f/2012/022/7/f/rubi_malone_by_steffisyndrom-d4na7pr.jpg[/img] Personality: Rubi is a woman who takes no shit from anyone. She has very little patience and when she becomes angry she often kills whoever made her angry. For the right price, Rubi will do just about anything, within reason. This involves murder, bank robbery, forgery, selling weapons, collecting drugs, trickery and pretty much anything. However, once hired, she will never betray her contact and will follow out her mission to the end no matter what. She is extremely determined and persistent. If somebody decides not to pay her, she will hunt you down, killing every last person you send at her as well as everyone you care about and love. When she wants to be, Rubi is a complete and utter bitch. When she is covered in blood she often enters a furious and deadly frenzy. Bio: Rubi owns her own junk, weapon shop and training grounds. She allows others to dump their unwanted things in her junkyard in which she uses the parts from her junkyard to make deadly weapons of all kinds as well as deadly ammo. She then uses her training grounds to test out her new weapons as well as to train herself and become even better. Her Junkyard is a very well known place, many people come to hire her for a job of some kind. 9/10 times the job is breaking the law but as long as Rubi gets her money she doesn't give a shit. Rubi will often sell her spare weapons and ammo to anyone who wants it and when she is going on a long journey she will bring all her weapons and ammo along with her. Squad/Team name: No Squad yet Weapons: Double Bladed Katana X2 Shotgun, Ak 47, Submachine guns, Machine Guns, Crossbows, exploding rounds, toxic rounds, chainblade gun, sleep darts, flamethrower, shot machine guns and many more. Job: Mercenary/Bounty Hunter Hobby: Building and inventing new weapons and training Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Other: