[quote=@sighkevin] Name: Kevin Jackson Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: 5"10, slightly tan, long curly brunette hair. He wears a black leather jacket over a maroon hoodie with dark green cargo pants and brown bates boots. Personality: Doesn't so easily trust, quiet and serious for the most part.Keeps his guard for the most part, drops his guard around other people he trusts. Will do whatever it takes to prolong his survival and the survival of others he cares about. has a soft spot for animals. cold hearted towards the lives of people he doesn't care or love. Extremely persistent. fluent with english and spanish. Bio: Grew up in ghetto areas filled with gangs, druggies, and hookers. Barely has friends and only has his parents and his gang affiliated brother. He went through the beginning of the Apocalypse with his family and went out for casual runs to abandoned stores. His parents are terribly ill so he goes out with his brother (Tyrell) to go find medicine. when they arrive to their home they notice their entrance door broken open. they both pull out their guns and run inside to see if their parents are okay. as they rush into their parents room they see their beloved parents getting mauled by three zombies. they both start aiming at the zombies quickly and start repeatedly shooting with tears going down their faces. as they finish killing the zombies they begin the approach their dead mauled parents, as they take their second step a zombie grabs onto tyrell and takes a big bite onto his neck. kevin screams "NOO!!" he pulls out his gun and starts shooting the zombie off. both the the zombie and his brother corpses drop, kevin rushes to his brothers body and drops down and holds him, his brothers hand slowly grabs onto him and says slowly "stay strong *coughs bit of blood* i love you lil bro.. promise me you will not give up and you will survive this nightmare.. *lets go of kevins shirt* do it for me.. mom.. dad" *tyrells eyes slowly closes and his head drops down* kevin clenches onto tyrells lifeless body, with tears going down his face and shaking tremendously as he looks around the room and sees the only people he had are now gone and is alone in this nightmare of a world. (kevin took his brothers guns and ammo, took food and first aid and left his home. months has gone by since the tragedy) kevin travels around hoping to find a group to join. Squad/Team name: Squad/Team Role: Squad/Team Values/Rules Weapons:-two silenced pistols -army knife -katana -brass knuckles Job:none Hobby:painting and working out Family:terrence(black father that is now dead) beatriz (hispanic mother that is now dead) tyrell (lightskin oldeer brother that is now dead) Friends:dont have any friends [/quote] Cool. If you can, try to find an image to use, if you can't that's fine. You're accepted. Go post your Cs in the character section.