[color=Goldenrod][center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/05296f615f6eeae19066a51804fdf671/tumblr_inline_ngagz71wBd1so10o6.gif[/img] [h1]Astrea Nioré[/h1] [h2]Bar and Inn ~ Sunfire ~ Vrondi[/h2][/center] Everything had been just fine; another almost near-perfect day in Sunfire- the atmosphere within the bar was as it always was; friendly and welcoming. The gentle crackling of flames coming from the fireplace somewhere behind her filling the room with a soft warmth, and the sweet glow of light streaming down from the sun before filtering in through the windows only helping to add to the ever relaxed nature enjoyed by the patrons whom sat comfortably within... that was until the Fotian soldiers decided to enter the bar. Everything had gone quiet- utterly silent apart from the sound of someone shifting uncomfortably within their seat every so often as the conversation continued on between the owner and the soldier that seemed to be in charge- all this ruckus for a couple of thieves; whatever they stole, it must have been really important, especially if they had gone to the lengths of issuing a manhunt right through to Vrondi in hopes of finding the culprits. At the sound of another and quite commanding voice filling the bar from somewhere above them all, Astrea tore her gaze away from the soldiers, and instead allowed her strikingly beautiful bronze coloured eyes to fall upon the figure of a man standing high above the rest, her soft pink lips parting slightly from one another as she took but a brief moment to look him over- he... was one of them..? But it was more than that; he was a part of the royal house of Niscent-Hanoxx... never before had she seen one of the royals up close before... “..so you were needing six barrels along with the rest of the list, got it; was there anything else I can ge-... Astrea..? Protogonos to Astrea..?” “H-Huh..?” Pulled back to the present as the sound of a familiar voice called her name, Astrea quickly turned back to face the bar, a confused look flickering across her features until finally, she remembered the reason that she had come to the bar in the first place- her master wanted to host yet another one of his parties for the other nobles who called Vrondi their home; the only issue with that being, they had run out of alcohol just a couple days passed, and their regular supply was yet to arrive, “Uhm; no... I think that’s everything for now... but if I think of anything else, or something is needed later on; I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as possible.” “Haha, alright then. Well, if that’s the case, and I’ve got everything you need- why don’t you rest those pretty little wings of yours and have a drink..? Apparently, they’re on the men who’d rather fight then make merry.” Stooping her head down slightly as a small smile played over her lips, she shifted slightly over the place where she was stood, her hands slipping down from the counter-top to come together in front of her body as her large wings gently fluttered behind her, the action causing a single feather to slip from its place before lightly floating down to rest upon the ground by her bare feet; her head slowly shaking from side to side in answer to his request, “As much as I would love to stay and have a drink with you, Rhione... you know that I can’t. Apologies... but I have to return to master’s side- he is waiting for me.” “Nawwe... come on... One drink- it’s not going to kill you; and if he gets angry, just tell him about the trouble that came in here today, only... exaggerate it a little bit.” Unable to help the sweet melodic chuckle that fell out through her lips, she let her attention flick up to once more meet with his gaze, holding it for a few moments before finally, she huffed out a sigh of defeat, her eyes closing as she nodded her head to let him know that she was agreeing, “Alright... but only one, okay- anymore than that, and I won’t be able to get permission to leave for the next month or so...” [/color]