Alright. I slept, I read, I wrote. Please provide feedback. :) [hider=Toun, The Porcelain Sire] [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Name: [/b][/color] Toun [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Alias: [/b][/color] The Flawless One, The Porcelain Sire [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Gender: [/b][/color] Male [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Domain and Portfolio: [/b][/color] Creation (Perfection) [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Domain and Portfolio Description: [/b][/color] The act of creation is universal in its potential. One god could easily create a fly that lasts a moment, or a race that lasts for generations. Creations that last are those that make effort to survive. They adapt and evolve by bettering themselves. They become efficient, innovative, orderly, powerful, and unyielding. By bettering themselves, they all – by nature or by will – pursue the virtue of Toun; that of ultimate perfection. Toun is the patron of perfection and his creations reflect this. Beyond the standard abilities of all gods, Toun has a talent for crafting creations to serve particular purposes in the most efficient manner. Lesser creations keep everything clean and orderly, eating away and depositing any matter that rebels against a predefined pattern. Greater creatures seek out threats to perfection, resembling stilted, creeping automatons that pursue crusades against chaos in any capacity. All of Toun’s creations work towards one goal; replacing all chaotic elements in the universe with perfected, conforming patterns that never step back in constant self-improvement. As well, any creatures that strive to self-perfection and the virtue of Toun attract the favour of Toun. This can come in the form of removing or mitigating a flaw in some form or fashion, or simply providing the means to do so. Unfortunately, when extrapolated, the virtue of Toun goes beyond simple evolution. It holds an unrealistic standard for the entirety of creation in Toun’s own eyes. All creations are flawed in some tiny way, including Toun’s own. This is reflected in their appearance; cruel imitations of natural life, wrought of smooth, glistening porcelain hiding twisted, brutal mechanisms of flesh and metal below. Even without peeking underneath their skin, they are never quite right. Their appearance is unsettling to anyone, not for how perfect they are, but rather for how very slightly imperfect they are. Those who gain boons from Toun eventually progress to this kind of appearance as well. [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Alignment: [/b][/color] The goals of Toun bring his alignment to [i]Lawful Evil[/i], but his behaviour is not principled directly to that cell of the alignment grid. He has a particular goal and will break the rules to pursue it. [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Personality: [/b][/color] To describe Toun in a word would evoke ‘Obsessive’ in most cases. Far from the robotic, uncaring paces of his creations, he pursues his goal of a perfected universe with a passion that borders on insanity. When he is faced with a challenging obstacle, he becomes easily angered and feels entitled to continue unobstructed. Such slights against his vision of the universe often attract spite and lasting hate against the one who orchestrated it, whether they intended to stop Toun or not. Underneath Toun’s outward bitterness and hate is a reflection of hate against himself. He is not a perfect being by his definition. He believes he is the one to perfect everything, but to hold him to such a standard is impossible. His goal is all that keeps him from auto-annihilation, or perhaps it is simply because he does not know how to truly destroy himself without being reborn as something that ruins all of his own work. In the meantime, he punishes himself for every flaw he produces. As everything he creates is has a flaw by definition, he punishes himself often. Though it is not often admitted, Toun’s exact standard of perfection is paradoxical. One cannot have perfection without removing all chaotic elements. As chaos is an integral part of the sum of all existence, the only true perfection comes from a state where nothing exists. Therefore, despite Toun being derived from the domain of creation, all must be wiped clean from existence in order to be perfect. As a result, Toun is not a happy god. Any happiness he experiences is derived from the punishment of those who oppose his goals, but it is never a content happiness, it is only vengeance. However, he is aware of his unhappiness. Secretly, it is a longing desire of his to feel genuine happiness and joy as others do. He does not exactly know how it feels to be happy, but the jealousy of not knowing is, in essence, the flaw in his devotion to his goal. His ultimate flaw, if you will. [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Appearance: [/b][/color] Toun’s preferred form is most commonly that of a robed man made of a glistening white solid that resembles a glossed ceramic or porcelain. It seems fluid as it he moves, yielding to stretch and bend like a fluid. The shape of his body cannot exactly be described as human as only the general silhouette of his form resembles as much. Facial features, muscular tone, veins, skin textures, hair, fingernails, all minute details are smoothed over to the point of lack of any definition. The only eye-drawing feature is the single glowing eye peering from his left eye-socket. It is bordered by jagged cracks as if that part of his face had been broken out, but offers enough emotive response to reveal the depth of his obsession. Stranger still is how it contorts and bends with less natural movements. Fingers elongate to reach out and finely manipulate things. His torso twists regardless of any semblance of a spine to see what is behind him. Most terrifying is that whenever he is brought to a strong emotional state, he destabilises. His form trembles and twists out of resembling a human at all. He turns into an unnatural creature with warped, elongated, clawed limbs and a razor-toothed mouth with a jaw that descends below any conceivable hinge of his skull. His movements thrash like a tortured creature as if he was a living nightmare. [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Musical Theme: [/b][/color] [hider] [youtube]watch?v=7RJRsEAKDNs[/youtube] [/hider] [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Description: [/b][/color] The thought of Toun in the mind of those who witness him is similar to the feeling one gets when they see a mannequin with lidless, peering eyes; a feeling of unease and disturbance. His presence is alien because he is the epitome of flawed perfection. Still, those who do not know the truth of his standard of perfection may even see his pursuits as noble. To spread a philosophy of self-betterment gives an impression of wanting what is best for his followers. To those who commit themselves to the virtue of Toun, the goal of perfecting the universe is not often thought of to its logical conclusion by Toun’s standards. If it is, it is not seen as a bad outcome amongst the loyal. This is because Toun’s word is that of chaos being the root of all suffering in the universe. To purge it is to reach contentment. Followers of Toun find his perfect presence to be comforting, as they may aspire to such near-perfection themselves. All others see Toun as an insidious force of heartless, unfeeling annihilation. The more he creates, the more he assimilates and replaces, the more he destroys. If people refuse to follow his goal, he seeks to remove them. It goes without saying that this gives Toun a bad reputation. The only way to appease Toun is to convince him that one is aligned with putting the universe in a final state of static order and perfection. His levels of trust, however, are based on his mood. If he has been recently deceived, he is unlikely to take the advice of another being. He may even do the opposite out of spite, without trying to process whether that is manipulation in the first place. Beings associated with chaos or chaotic behaviours are never seen in a good light by Toun. To him, they undo his work and spite his ultimate goal. His brightest wrath is reserved for such beings. [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Concealment Level: [/b][/color] 1 [color=PaleGoldenrod][b]Detection Level: [/b][/color] Uno, Satu, Ein, Ichi, Dot-Dot-Dash, The Figure Preceding Two And Beyond Zero, It Totally Wouldn’t Be One…In Bizarro World. [/hider]