[b]Somewhere...[/b] [hr] Well, there she was reborn... again. Sonia simply lied there in that barren room as she reflected the newest series of events. First, for all she knew her "friends" pretty much left her for dead, and for damn sure she was the only one who tried to put up a fight. Cowards. Second, it turned out death really wasn't final anymore, even if she died again she still wasn't actually dead, this was comforting to know. Third, it looked like she got to keep her stuff that of course being her shield and sword. Through the fighting, however, the shield was practically destroyed and was well beyond use. She opted just to toss it away. Her sword somehow made it out alright, if anything it was testament to it's original craftsmanship, shame it was nothing more than rusty scrap metal. Sonia sat herself up and stared at the open door. This time she was alone, but that didn't bother her, especially considering the absolute disaster her last party ended up being so maybe she could hold off on finding new friends for the time being. With nothing else to do the catgirl finally pushed herself off the ground and made her way to that door, here goes her new life. Again. Outside the scene was both terrible, and just confusing. The street was a mess, she had no idea what happened here, but something went down. What really took her off guard was how healthy the people looked, a little dazed, although otherwise they appeared to be fine for the most part. Sonia was curious, she wanted answers mostly because she'll be hanging around for a while... you know given another lion doesn't come charging along to bite her head off. Again. For the moment she started wandering around, with sword in hand which hopefully no one would mind her being openly armed. Maybe she can find someone or something worthwhile eventually.