[b]Name:[/b] Takeshi "TK" Kobayashi - Codename: Ghost [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rank:[/b] First Sergeant [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjE5OTU0MzA2Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDg3ODAxNzE@._V1_UY1200_CR104,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg[/img] Slender, yet athletic, TK stands tall for one of Asian decent at six foot one. Hair cut short around the side, with a touch of deep blue to accent his spiked hair. When not in uniform he typically wears a leather jacket (sleeves pushed up to show how toned he is), a cut shirt, and jeans. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2f/20/6a/2f206ae2946ad3121f0a1069b9f44a4b.jpg[/img] TK is one of the few that still fights hand-to-hand, believing that fighting from a distance is cowardly. He wears a black stealth suit with silver, reminiscent of his ancestry, honoring his skill with Ninjitsu. When fighting in power armor, or larger, TK prefers something more honorable ... [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/18/01/52/180152c23873a2206e90bba16e7c7be3.jpg[/img] [b]History / Background:[/b] He never knew what it was like to live on Earth. He'd heard numerous tales of how green and blue things were, but found it hard to imagine a place with such vivid colors when all he could see was red. Having been born and raised on the Red Planet, Mars, Takeshi, along with a younger brother (Ko) and an older sister (Suchi), eventually grew to resent their parents' choice to leave Earth (grandparents in tow)-- that was until it was reduced to a ball of toxic dust. Though now thankful to have relocated, Mars was not a place to raise children. Suchi, who was born on Earth, used to daydream of the days when she was a child, having played in cool rivers, and skinning her hands and knees while climbing trees. But here on Mars, there was none of that. Sure one could go visit the simulation chambers, which offered all the luxuries of the Earth that was, but it just wasn't the same as the real thing. Plus it was expensive -- the Kobayashi's had spent nearly all they had to get to Mars. In order to support himself, as well as his aging parents -- and to get away from the dusty confines of the Martian planet -- TK was "recruited" into the army, as soon as he was eligible to do so. TK took with him the skills and knowledge of that his grandfather had bestowed upon him: the ability to wield a blade, and the honor of Bushido. However, the discipline that was taught was not enough to keep TK out of trouble. He grew cocky and selfish, which eventually led to him joining a Yakuza-like youth gang. Stealth and finesse allowed TK to rise through their ranks quickly. But like many troubled teens TK soon found himself infamous among the local law enforcement, and eventually behind bars. Knowing of TK's skills, the lead officer, Cpt. Roe Heinrickson, made an offer to TK, one, as it was famously put in a movie, "he couldn't refuse." On his 18th birthday TK was enlisted into the Imperial Army. The brass quickly realized that TK was destined for more, and put him into the selective group known galaxy wide as the 7-5. Though not know as being a team player, TK's rank continued to rise -- not for lack on his part (with rank comes privileges). [b]Personality: [/b] Aggressive Cultured Determined Loyal Narcissistic [b]Specialties:[/b] [i]Stealth[/i]: "Be as silent as a shadow," his grandfather would say. "See, but don't be seen." TK has enhancements, that enhance his ability to hide and sneak. He became known as Ghost, once he was in the military, as he is light on his feet, agile, and lithe. [i]Two-Weapon (Melee)[/i]: TK learned to fight with two blades, not just one. The katana and wakisashi are extensions of his own hands, slashing, dicing and severing anything that gets in his path. Unmatched, so far, in skill, TK boasts the ability to block a gun shot (though he's never had to prove it).