[@Mtntopview][@nightknight][@Lmpkio] "I will do so." Eclipse gathered his wits in this time of critical danger and approached the truck's cabin. Seeing how Alexandria boarded, he dispelled his wings and also climbed in. "Great speed is of no value when you do not know your destination. I will ride with you until that much is clear." At least Optimus was roomy enough to accommodate two armored humanoids, guns, and swords, er what have you. Eclipse would assist in gathering the helpless squadmates and getting them, and subsequently himself, to safety. As for the rest of the planet, he would be forced to mourn. "Hear me both of you. I will find whoever is responsible for this senseless destruction and bring them to justice. They will pay for this grave misdeed, this immeasurable evil that they have visited upon this simple planet, for the life they took this day and the futures they have ended. Although their true debt can never be matched, recompense will begin, with their life." Eclipse wasn't a god of vengeance. Rarely, if ever, did he threaten to kill someone. Shinnook now had an angry demigod after him.