Harmonic let out a long sigh, and running a hand through his hair. "[color=2EFE9A]Miss, we'd have probably set on you while you were focused on the other guys, dinosaurs, whatever they were if we wanted your life. I'm not looking to be set on fire in any case.[/color]" His relaxation surprised himself. Perhaps it was just his brain being overloaded from the suddenness of all the new information he was receiving, but with the prospect of being lit on fire or cut in half seemingly averted he allowed himself to calm down and process the situation. Apparently, none of the people he woke up around knew each other either. They also, in turn, did not know this woman. On top of this, Harmonic did not know the forest they had been dropped off in. Or the country that was in, or the continent that was on, or the world in which they currently resided. Potentially even a different universe or dimension from his entirely. Dying, in the end, seemed to just be a big pain in the ass. The smells of the forest filled his nose as he took a deep breath. Definitely different from any that he knew, but pleasant all the same, save for the fading smell of burning flesh. He listened to the enthusiastic idiot introduce herself, taking a second to look over his companions as she talked. Was this really his Harem? Or did he have yet to even earn that? Did he even want that if he had it? Well, it was too much to bother with now. Scratching the back of his head sheepishly, he extended a hand to the woman in Red. "[color=2EFE9A]In truth, it seems like we're all strangers in a strange land. I do knot know who you are, or where we are, nor who these others are. Perhaps we're victims of magic or fate, but my name's Harmonic.[/color]" Magic, he certainly knew this world had it. He was well aware of his own abilities, and he was fairly certain science hadn't lit the dinosaur-man thing on fire. It seemed the most reasonable explanation for the current predicament. As he held out his hand he also looked to the others present and nodded, hoping his name served as an introduction to the rest of them too.