[center][h2]Collab between [@agentmanatee] and [@Bright_Ops][/h2][/center] As the mixed regiment of Red Coat, Tusheina and Hirisit continued their march through th streets to the Cathedral of the emperor, largely unmolested after their last engagement, Ninke was not always there exactly. The powerful painkiller running through her vains, mixed with the stubborn throbbing pain in her arm meant it was hard for her to focus on much. As she put one foot in front of the other, leaning heavily on Belgond, her thoughts were elswhere. Sometimes they were at home, on Hirisit, praying in the cathedrals and being surrounded by the faithful. It moved, now in basic, training to be a guardsman with shouting and marching and NCO training, but it was quickly past. And then it was today, it had come full circle... shouting and screaming and blood... she saw Boers dead and bloodied face amongst hundreds of others, and then she saw her bleeding wound. Now she was in reality again... staring at the stump covered in gauze and wrapped tightly, and even still quite a bit of the bandage was red with her blood. She didn't cry anymore as there was no real reason to... her arm was half gone and crying woudn't change that... even so she pulled closer to Belgond, using him to support her legs and her shaky grip on the world around her... she didn't speak, doubting she could find the strength to. Keeping on high alert now that the impossible had happened (Seriously, who had ever heard of Orks able to sneak around and use TACTICS?!), Belgond continued to support Ninke as they continued on with this bloody march. While the lack of orks attacking them was welcomed, it was also... unnerving. If one group of Orks were smart enough to set up traps and ambushes, then surely there would have to be more such groups out there... Keeping a firm hold on Ninke, he softly kept whispering things to her in order to try and keep her awake and moving. Despite the painkillers that were currently running through her system, Belgond [i]had[/i] to keep her in the here and now and keep her putting one foot in front of the other. As Ninke's mind swam in the mire of pain and the drugs, Belgond managed to be heard, his soft whispering managed to keep her teathered to the world and walking, keeping her from falling. For most of the march she could not respond, but as the smog clouded skies darkened and dusk approached, she managed to try and speak to him. Her voice was strained and hoarse from her earlier screaming, hardly able to be heard at all, [color=f49ac2]"B-b-belgond... how... how m-much... l--lo-longer..."[/color], as she spoke she gave a small stumble, grasping Belgond with her remaing hand. Managing to catch the stumble before it went much further and caused serious harm, Belgond looked ahead of them at the large, cathedral looking building that they were heading towards. "[color=f26522]Not much longer now...[/color]" He guessed; Even if it hadn't been nearby, he would have said it wasn't much longer, keeping her focused on getting one foot in front of the other and giving her the chance to give into despair. Then the march came to a stop. Looking around and trying to make sense of the various conversations that were springing up to understand [i]why[/i] they had come to a stop, Belgond felt slightly worried that things were about to go horribly wrong very quickly. "[color=f26522]Don't worry, we'll be moving again soon. Just catch your breath, alright?[/color]" Ninke nodded weakly, noting that the march had stopped the way a dreamer noticed the wind outside. She slowly slid down Belgond until she was sitting on the ground, no longer able to stand through the haze. She never let go of him as she slid, keeping her right hand gribbing whatever part of him she could, before trying to speak again, [color=f49ac2]"W.. why a-are... stopped... B-belgond... a-aa-aren't we nearly... there?"[/color], she looked like a pet who's master had beaten it to many times, frail, all her strength from the rest of the day spent to keep herself moving. Belgond took a seat next to Ninke in order to let her have an easier time of clinging to him for strength while he listened in on what was being said by the different guardsmen nearby. There was nothing like a group of guardsmen on edge for gossip and a rather quickly a common theme of the conversations became clear; they were trying to select a vanguard to lead the way for the rest of the troops to ensure that they weren't ambushed by orks on their dash to the relative safety of the Catherdal and the entrenched positions there. "[color=f26522]We're almost there. We've just stopped long enough to select a vanguard to lead the charge. As soon as a group gets picked, we'll be going again alright?[/color]" It was then that Belgond noticed what appeared to be one of the people chosen to select who was going to be put into the vanguard... and as the man looked his way he just [i]knew[/i] what was about to happen in his gut. As the man started to walk towards him and Ninke, Belgond... felt strangely at ease as he rose to his feet. He didn't want to die by any means, but he just felt rather calm about what was about to happen. Before the man had even opened his mouth, Belgond cut him off with a tone that would have been more suited for one of the officers of the regiment "[color=f26522]Congradulations, you've just taken responciblity for Vox Operator Ninke here. Your job is to make damn sure that she gets to the Cathedral and to whatever medical area that they set up there. If I find out that you made it to the Catherdral and she didn't, the Inquistion will take notes about what I'll do to you for insperation. Do I make myself clear?[/color]" Maybe it was the tone of voice, maybe it was the knowledge that Belgond himself was soon going to be apart of an assignment that was most likely going to result in his death, but the man wordlessly nodded at Belgond's request, moving to Ninke's side in order to help Belgond get her to her feet. "[color=f26522]Okay Ninke, you're going to be going the rest of the way with this gentleman here. He'll get you to the Catherdal and to safety. I'll be coming to check up on you as soon as I can, alright?[/color]" Ninke watched everything like it was slow motion, and she couldn't stop it. Belgond explained that they were picking a vanguard, which was dangerous to say thhe least, if there were Orks intent on stopping the Guardsmen the vanguard would have to get throgh them... she didn't care though not at first, until one of the officers electing the poor bastards made his way towards them... and she knew he wasn't picking her. As Belgond stood, seemingly accepting this, Ninke's mouth worked wordlessly, like a broken door hinge that wouldn't stay closed. As she was lifted from her feet she was muttering, almost whispering in her strained hoarse voice, [color=f49ac2]"N--no no-no-nn-no.. n-o... n-n-not Belgond t-tt-to.. no non no..."[/color], as she was shakily pulled to her feet and leaned against the officer she moved her remaing hand to her necklace, a pure silver necklace with the figurine of the shining saint on it. She undid the clasp at the back and stumbled into Belgond, pushing it into his hand, [color=f49ac2]"D-dd-do-don't l-l-l-lose it... the... its m-my most... it will protect you... the Emperor will... b-bb-ring you back..."[/color], she didn't want to leave hs side, she knew just about everyone she had ever known was dead, and now her last real connection was leaving... she couldn't pull away on her own. It was absolutely heartbreaking to hear the broken tone of Ninke's voice; Compared to what it had sounded like mere hours ago, it was clear that she had gone through absolute hell and that him leaving her side was merely just the next step in that horrible journey. Reaching out and taking the necklace that she had offered him, Belgond looked at the figurine of what he had guessed was a saint for a moment before slipping it over his neck. Taking a deep breath before taking a step towards her, he kissed her softly on the forehead for a moment before promising "[color=f26522]I'll bring it back to you. I'll see you soon alright?[/color]" Taking a deep breath, he took a step back and away from her, turning in order to find Sergeant Bourne and meet his destiny, regardless of what it was going to be. Ninke watched Belgond walk away, and somehow tears she thought had been dried up rolled down her face. She quickly wiped them away, stumbling back to the officer and leaning on him for support. As she followed his lead, she couldn't stop praying... it was all she knew how to do when one was powerless, it was all she had ever done in such situations. She prayed to the Emperor and his Saints, prayed that he would come back with her necklace, prayed that he would be unharmed, and prayed that the Emperor would not leave her alone on this fucking world.