OOC is live: [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/91999-sentinel-contractors-smoking-gun/ooc[/url] Still working on a name, but here is the gist of it all. [center][b]Brief History[/b][/center] [img]http://www.prescientscifi.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/future_city_by_3yen-d30t48j.jpg[/img] The year is 2067 and a lot has changed from the first half of the century. Many of these changes have been brought about by the advancements in technology and computers. In 2020 war broke out in the Middle East after many years of civil war between factions struggling for control. What sparked the war were nuclear strikes on Russia and Europe throwing the world into chaos as alliances were made, forces were assembled, and a war like never before ensued. For five years the war went on until Japan, Europe, and The United States signed a treaty that also merged their theologies research allowing the formation of Soldier Assisted Implants and the Robotic Soldier. These, once incorporated into the fight, tipped the scales ending the war. The years that followed saw a worldwide depression for the governments. During the war many of the governments ordered hundreds and even thousands of the SAI and Robotic Soldiers, which after the war bankrupted many of them. The Tech Conglomerate was smart and foresaw a situation passing that they become and Independent Corporation from the governments they worked for. In 2029 the conglomerate known as WT Development owned five of the world’s governing powers: The US, Japan, China, Russia, and Europe. With this they began to privatize the police force making it mandatory to be outfitted with the latest Net Gear. When it started as just ways to monitor the vitals and overall health of all the officers, but rapidly grew to have many other functions. Robotic Soldiers were being used with the police forces, controlled by a handler via their Net Gear. With these major advancements came the luxury devices and systems, Professional/Recreational Robots, Net Gear Industrial Vehicles, and a great deal of other things. All of this technology did not go without drawbacks; glitches, Neural Overloads, Memory Wipes… these were but a few of the tragedies that came to first and even second gen users. The worst of it though was the people who chose to exploit the systems and cause their own kind of trouble. With the growing size of interconnected systems the ability to track this new breed of hackers was near impossible. Even with the new advances in security programs, and tracers these people were always evading justice. Special task forces were made by WT Development and issued to each country in order to track down and persecute these abusers of the system that was in 2048. By 2055 these groups were being called Crash Squads, and now in 2067 they have brought major Cyber Crimes to a minimum. The setting is post Technological Singularity, but would be related to the "Ghost in the Shell" series while predating and not in the same timeline. The group will operate from and move around to the following cities: Chicago United States, Tokyo Japan, Moscow Russia, and/or Paris France. As a task force against the threat of cyber related attacks you are under their own authority when the circumstances get out of hand. Like I said this would be story driven as the team leads an open investigation trying to track down the leaders of a Blue Collar crime conspiracy. While trying to find the leaders of the interconnected criminal underground to get information that will work them up the ladder, they must also battle the bureaucratic walls and red-tape put up buy the High Society empire leaders that may be somehow linked to what would classified as Corporate and International Espionage.