Zach's mouth twiched up into a smile as he saw the coup lift up off of the table with a motion of Billie's hand before it flow, hitting Jackie in the back of the head. He couldn't help the the quiet chuckle that came out of his lips before Jackie turned her head looking at the table. A hiss coming out of her mouth as her red eyes looked back at his partner, before her eyes glanced at Zach giving him a dirty look having heard him laughing. Zach frowned a little his eyes glancing at her. "What? Pay attention to the teacher!" He said quietly but his words having a harsh undertone. Making Logan look to Jackie as well, her eyes glancing at him as well for a moment before looking away. He let his eyes look over at Billie once Jackie turned her head, the fact Billie wasn't to stuck up to us the cup he had put in front of her was enough for him to think it was possible to be social. Or well at least sort of. He let his eye roam over Billie as she sat facing forward again from getting the pencils, only to smirk before looking forward again. "Good shot." He whispered quietly as Kane started speaking. -- Willow blinked a little when he apologized to her for not looking at her directly, though as he can continued she found herself giving a sad looking smile. "Ah well truly I thought you were simply shy and wasn't even bothered by it." She said softly, she didn't want to act as though she felt sorry for him and seem rude, but she couldn't imagine what it would be like to not be able to see the bit of beauty in the world."It is a pleasure though to meet you Sal." She continued, watching him draw on his journal, before looking at her own. She looked back at him as he started talking again, feeling a bit of confusion at first because she didn't know what his race was. As he said something about versions she realized that he was a Seer, he was actually the first of that race she had met, which meant she had to fight not to ask questions about him. Willow looked towards the table which Sal ponited at, to see the boy sitting there looking at them. She gave a soft smile, her hand raising giving a small wave to him before looking back to Sal. "Alright well I usually only miss class if something is wrong with me or my sisters. So I can take notes....I mean if you want. Would..would you be able to see them? I'm sorry if that's rude to ask." She said hitting her lip a little bit, she really didn't want to me mean, but it was something she needed to know. -- Kane fought the urge to laugh as she opened her classroom door, keeping a straight face as Aren spoke. "I will try to remember to remind you Arch Mage." She said a hint of amusement in her voice before the subject changed and she gave a quick nod. "We haven't gotten far in the lesson quite yet, so take the time you need." She answered her voice suddenly very serious, she closed the door and fought the urge to lock it again as he stepped inside, tapping the board and stopping the picture as she went to sit at her desk as he started. She knew that this subject was going to come up with Azrael said to be back, but she hadn't expected it to come up today, as she was told they were to wait a few days. Her eyes watched the reactions around the room at the news of the test, and that first years were not to be forced to take this test. Much of the new years were actually relieved about this fact, only a few of them were not. It was the students that were second and so on years that seemed either happy or royally pissed about the news. She sighed softly as the questions started, and she was almost greatful that she didn't have to be the one that had to answer them yet. Still when the Arch Mage yelled even she felt herself jump slightly, it wasn't the normal for him to be so serious and despite all the years she both went too and worked at the school, even was his friend, she still wasn't used to it when it happened. When Aren said good day and headed to the door she stood and walked with him. The classroom was already starting to whisper at the moment, she knew it was going to only get worse. "Aren, a word if I may before you leave?" She said softly as he reached for the door, her tone respectful as it was rather serious. She put up a spell of her own to block snooping ears. "I wasn't aware that I would be the [i]only[/I] class giving this test when we spoke. It is a rather large body of students, while I am still perfectly fine with giving this test, I would like to request to ask Harlow for help keeping them under control when it comes time. If not him than even Chambliss or DuPage would do for that matter. Despite how I dislike asking for help, I simply can not watch [i]them all[/I] myself." Once she had her answer and he left Kane turned her attention back to her class, which was in an uproar by now. However, instead of trying to get the class back under control she simply sat on her desk legs singling over the edge listening to her students bitch and complain. There wasn't any use in trying to get this under control at the moment, it would die down soon. Joryn frowned a little as the whole class went crazy about this whole test, sure she was worried, but it was mainly because she didn't know what the rest of the test was going to be. Things like this test on paper were easy. She could study hard and pass those type of tests, even though she barely knew anything about other races. But when it came to pshyical tests, she looked at the angry fire breather beside her ouit of the corn of her eye, suddenly over enjoyed he wouldn't be able to take this test. Because if there was ever a point where they had to go against their partners, she had no doubt he would be able to really hurt her. Molly let a sight out her lips as the noise of the chattering around the room got louder and louder. As if it would really even matter what they felt about it. It was a waste of time to even think that their sad little complaints would matter if anything it just made them look weaker. She however, was rather quiet and calm, on the surface anyway. Inside though there was a panicked feeling of her own. If there was test of skill and power, she could draw to much attention to herself, which would be a very bad thing. She worked rather hard to work over everyone's radar since she started working for Azrael without Daylen. Not to mention the fact she had a very illegal magical talent that could get her locked away if not worse. She shook her head though of those thoughts as the class started to quiet. Kane looked at her watch as the muttering came to an end, before looking up at the class. "Oh no, continue. We have forty five moments left to the class." She said her tone clearly annoying. "We all done? Alright then. I'm sure that a lot of you have questions about the test, I advise going to your races head teacher for answers. Any mages or races without head teacher, can come and see me in my office after class." She said moving off of her desk. "Now where was I? Right it is believed that the reason mermaids avoid other races is because they are racist. This is indeed true. Mermaids are extremely pure creatures that live a very simple life while in the water. It is this that makes them unprepared for live among other races like humans, half of their race is subjected to corruption and they became the darker beings of their race known as Sirens." Kane continued from where she had stopped when the Arch Mage ran into the door. Molly's eyes lingered on Alex for a few moments as Kane spoke, reaching down she grabbed her bag and dug through a bit when Kane's back was turned. She pulled a vail of what she had given Adrian earlier that day, and placed it in his hand under the table. "That should help your head cutie." She whispered not looking at him as she did. She wasn't even sure why she did, it wasn't like she should care, or that she liked him. Maybe it was just that she was actually in a good mood, or he was distracting her. Yes it had to be one of the two. Plus it always help to keep your enemies close. " letting their tails dry out in the sun and become legs. Mermaids are only able to stay out of the water for a week at the most without the help of magic before they die of what is known as oxygen poisoning. Four out ten deaths on the beach said to be caused by drowning are actually a mermaid's death covered up. The school itself has magic that protects Mermaids as well as Sirens from this poisoning, and even still we have only had two mermaids come to our school, both were turned Siren within a month of being here." Kane continued before taking a drink of her bottle of water. As she started talking again Logan let out a quiet groan and Zach looked away from Kane at him. "I swear that if this classics always this boring, I'm gonna fail this test because I'm gonna end up falling asleep in this fucking class."