[b][i]Alan Johnes[/i][/b] A unique method of travelling. That's how he was supposed to react to it and that's exactly what happened. To a normal person, being sucked by a mysterious magic portal of unknown origins and getting god-knows where, a normal reaction would be to freak out at the [i]very[/i] least. But not him. He was trained - [i]created[/i] - for such absurd situations. What he was expected to do was adapt quickly. After all, he was the team's powerhouse. He decided to follow his usual pattern. Pay only the minimum amount of attention required to respond to Sygma's orders, while focusing all of his remaining attention to their new surroundings. His final decision was to split his attention to a 10% to 90% ratio, respectively. After all, he could leave all the ranting, mumbling and confusion to the other members of the team. After all, he did not have any relation with most of them, other than a standard professional one. Oh, and he was also a lab rat. People tend to avoid lab rats, after all. A quick scan of the surroundings revealed the obvious fact that they were in a jungle, their rations would diminish soon and that the jungle has been inhabited or at least been visited by living and intelligent beings, judging from the temple. The weird facts included the similarities between a Terrestial jungle and this one, the little to no difference of bodily functions in this world with their own and most of all the fact that the writings on the walls included English. A memory of him reading a book about parallel universes popped suddenly. What if this world is a parallel universe of their own Earth, turning in a dystopia for yet unknown reasons? He chuckled, then dismissed this imaginary scenario. A voice echoed: "[i]We are leaving. Be alert, but do not act unless I tell you or if your lives are clearly in danger...If you notice anything, report immediately. Alan, we need you to be our vanguard.[/i]" Sygma gave the order to leave and Sygma's orders were unquestionable for Alan. Sygma was younger than Alan, he was a normal human and yet he had the guts not only to be in a special force of the Agency, but to lead it too. The young man even helped Alan improve on his fighting techniques even though Alan was already trained by the Agency long before he joined and that's because Sygma was tasked with field operations with superbeings soon after he joined the Agency. Alan had nothing but respect for his leader. It was his first time dealing with the supernatural element on a field operation, so he couldn't think of a more suitable person to guide them. Alan was last in line, so he could watch over all of his teammates. While keeping an eye on them, he occasionaly averted his gaze around to observe the scenery. Dragons in the sky...that was a first. Their appearance was elegant, eye-striking and [i]intimidating[/i]. No wonder this world was always kept in check with such secrecy. Public knowledge about such powerful creatures would cause panic and chaos. Alan tried to take some pride in being part of something so big, but then again, it wouldn't matter if he ended up dead. He relinquished the thought. Dying is an option, only when it does not affect the fate of the world. And that is what this team's survival was all about. The team's march, along with Alan's studying of the environment was interrupted when a [i]creature[/i] descended and revealed itself from a ball of light. It was a creature of big, magnificent stature, with what would be described as angelic wings. The only thing that differed him from an actual angel of religious myths and tales is that he did not have human, but reptilian appearance. That was surely not a creature created by God's own image, that's for sure, Alan tried to joke in his mind to keep his cool. The other soldiers took out their weapons, but Alan was not so rush. He only reached the hilt of the blade on his back, but did not unsheath his sword yet. The creature was definately considered hostile, but it did not use the element of surprise by attacking the team from the sky and instead decided to appear before them. It was either overconfident or it was not a threat. Alan took his time to judge. He believed that he could make it to the front line in time, in case of a charge from the other side. But that's when his leader took the initiative. [i]Conversation between Sygma and Tev'lanook takes place[/i] After a conversation with the creature named Tev'lanook, the team acquired two things. A map and an objective. Once again, Alan jokingly thought that Tev'lanook was indeed an angel sent by god to help them, after all. The team now had somewhere to start off, a first step towards their goal. Better than roaming aimlessly in the jungle at least. Letting a smirk flash from his lips, Alan once again watched over his team from the back, while they headed towards the white indicator on the map.