[h2]Miyu, Rather Worn out in the City[/h2] For a while, Miyu didn't respond. It was rather quickly apparent that the reason for this was that, in spite of her not exactly being pleased about being picked up again, she couldn't really handle the sudden fatigue she'd been hit with and had briefly nodded off. It was only when Takeyoshi put her down that she awoke with a start, sitting and rubbing her eyes. After a few moments, she realized what she had been doing and shot to her feet. "Before you ask. I wasn't sleeping. Or tired. Or anything like that," Miyu said, quickly, placing her hands on her hips. She watched as the tengu leaned against the wall, looking rather exhausted himself, and raised an eyebrow a little. He still had to get her candy! ... Though, when he was this worn out... getting candy might not have been a good idea... the tiny blonde girl huffed to herself with annoyance. Of course her candy would have to be delayed... but she guessed getting rest was important to him, too. A rather more serious though crossed her mind as she looked back in the direction they'd come from. "... I hope some people got out of there okay... those stupid dogs shouldn't have been allowed to get to anyone!" [hr] [h2]Mimori, Heroics in Action[/h2] "... My name is Takahashi Mimori," Mimori introduced herself, eyes remaining mostly on the woman. Thankfully, it seemed that she was no longer intending to fight them. Instead, she was more concerned about their strange circumstances and the things that were going on. At least, until the tendrils appeared... and some sort of strange mob of creatures emerged... Mimori quickly found herself no choice but to run with the others. Still... she hung back as much as she could, swallowing her fear. She had to make sure, after all, that no-one got left behind. Eventually they reached some kind of... safe haven, and without any hesitation Mimori quickly found some sort of broadsword, with a plain hilt but a decently sharp blade. She was on guard, even though the woman who had introduced herself as Charlotte said they were safe.