Jett watched as the dark orb was thrust at Corban with speeds equating a slow-moving bullet, and yet he was able to respond quickly--just as he had. A large diamond sparkled in front of the man, meeting the darkness' blast with no change. Jett raised his arm up in front of his face, the blast of heat pushing against him as well as around Corban, "So I just got the joke of your name," Jett began to explain, putting his arm down. He watched Corban for a moment, "Your name is Corban, and you use diamonds--a form of carbon! And Corban is just Carbon when you switch the A and O around!" He grinned, "Pretttttty clever!" Corban's rhetorical question did not go unheard, and Jett placed his hands inside his pockets, shrugging, "I never said I thought I was safe, bud." He watched the triangular crystal move toward him at intense speeds, noting just how close it was coming. He didn't move at all, however, awaiting the chance to make his defense. Just as the diamond exploded into thousands of tiny particles--most aimed at him--was Jett's hazel eyes gave a slight sparkle. Suddenly, a burst of invisible power crashed against every particle, big or small. There was enough power in such a blast that all of the shimmering particles rocketed back from where they came, toward the figure of Corban. The particles that had just been threatening Jett's life were now moving toward Corban at the same exact speed, and yet Jett still hadn't moved--his hands were still in his pockets, [b]"But you're in just as much danger as me." [/b] [OOC: To clarify, he used one of his large shockwave-like attacks as stated in his abilities, however instead of on a person he used it on the particles moving toward them]