Real Life Appearance:[img] [/img] (Avatar) Appearance: [img][/img] Name: Quinn Smith Nicknames: miss knight, Queen knight Age:18 Gender: female Personality Out of Game: Kind,friendly and outgoing Personality In Game: Smart, tough, cold, a teamplayer and kind History: when she was a pre teens she was at a bad car crash with her mom, her and her mom survive the crash but she lost her leg and she can't do gymnastics any more. she was depressed until a game call Battle Beasts and for once she feel welcome there and she make her own corps she earn a name [color=0072bc]Queen knight[/color]. Occupation: a maid at a café. What way you swing?: men and women Crush: not at the moment Other: she have a cat name Ruby, her sword [img] [/img] and she have her own corps called blues ravens