[center][h3]Eri is a hero now, but what about the Dunk Lord?[/h3][/center] Finally, the star was in position. The timing was not as well as it would've liked, but it would do. It began its descent even though it wasn't even night. Impact was imminent, nothing would get in the way now... [hr] Eri burst out of the trees, tripped on a root and went flying. He landed on the road flat on his face. [b]"Hngggg..."[/b] When was he going to get a break? It seemed like within a few minutes of him doing something, something would go wrong again. He struggled onto his feet, teary eyed. He was really tired and he just wanted to be somewhere safe right now. But as it turned out, fate wasn't letting him go yet. The star broke through the clouds, a streak of gold and red across the sky. It angled itself downwards towards Eri, but Eri had his back turned. He wasn't going to see this coming. It hit him square in the back, sending him flying like a ragdoll. It bounced off his back, smashing into and rebounding off of a tree behind him, flew up and hit a low flying eagle before acring back downwards and dropping on his head just as he hit the ground again. Tears started streaming down his face as the ball rolled to a stop close by to him. [b]"Why.........?"[/b] He said.