[color=gray][b][i]N[/i]ame:[/b] Luke "Iceman" Galbri [b][i]A[/i]ge:[/b] 32 [b][i]G[/i]ender:[/b] Male [b][i]R[/i]ank:[/b] Sergeant [b][i]A[/i]ppearance:[/b] [hider=Physical Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/af/5a/fd/af5afd5f435c2f1b2c29de103143a021.jpg[/img] [b][i]H[/i]eight:[/b] 6'4" [b][i]W[/i]eight:[/b] 240 lbs [b][i]E[/i]nhancements:[/b] Complete right forearm cybernetic replacement. Complete right femur/tibia/fibula cybernetic replacement. Biotech engineered shoulders/knees/pelvic/ankle articular cartilage. Bilateral ocular implants. [b][i]M[/i]isc:[/b] Luke's entire back is covered with a tattooed mural of the [url=http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8084/8293066881_0c9dc28f70_o.jpg]four horsemen[/url]. [/hider] [hider=POC Armor][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/5320/f/2015/098/d/0/1400141419980_by_cotdbroski-d8ow1ta.jpg[/img] [b][i]M[/i]isc:[/b] A weathered [url=http://imgur.com/IUG3UvW]bomb squad patch[/url] from his old EOD squad is stitched on his right shoulder guard.[/hider] [b][i]H[/i]istory / [i]B[/i]ackground:[/b] Luke Galbri was a "Royal Flush" baby; a product of an ill-advised conception between a noblewoman and a commoner, who was secretly [i]flushed[/i] down the proverbial toilet (a.k.a the outer rim.) Newborn Luke was stashed on board of a commercial space freighter. His biological parents made an arrangement with a 'flesh vendor' who ran his base of operations out of a backwater colony called New Mesa. The noblewoman's family name remained absolved from the taint of low blood breeding, and the commoner received a pretty penny to keep it all a secret. Everyone was happy. Well, mostly everyone. Life under the flesh vendor's leash was a short-lived hell. The local system authorities eventually cracked down on the vendor's illegal operations and apprehended him soon after. Luke was then put into foster care on an entirely different star sector until he was brave enough to go rogue. He went from a Royal Flush baby, to a Drift Rock kid, which meant he was a stowaway orphan bouncing around spaceships and way-stations. Luke was eventually taken in by a freighter Captain named, Manuel Galbri. He found the young man hiding in the cargo hold. Manuel became the closest thing to a father figure he'd ever have. The former Orion Space Fleetsman signed Luke on as a crew mate, teaching him everything he knew about life in the void. Manuel died during a pirate raid several years later, forcing Luke to flee from Galbri's Freighter and survive on his own. With nowhere else to go, he enlisted into the Orion Military at the age of 17 as a combat engineer. After a couple of years in the space army infantry, he was reassigned into a special bomb disposal unit called the 127 EOD Clockwork Squad. They were an anti-terrorist unit tasked with neutralizing bomb threats on border planets caught in a tug-of-war between the Nym Republic, and Radical Separatist groups. Operation Firebug was the 127 EOD Squadron's last mission objective. Luke was 1 of the four survivors of his unit, and the only one qualified as a potential 7-5 candidate. Despite the unfortunate end of Clockwork Squadron, he's transitioned into the CAG rather comfortably. [b][i]P[/i]ersonality:[/b] Ice-veined. Gung-ho. Lively. Goofball. Contrarian. [b][i]S[/i]pecialties:[/b] [i]Explosives Ordinance Disposal:[/i] Luke's EOD training includes neutralizing all types of improvised explosives, chemical threats, and nuclear weapons. [i]Combat Engineer:[/i] The construction and demolition for land and space combat situations is another one of Luke's specialties. This includes facilitating movement for troops and civilians, while immobilizing hostile forces. Building bridges for friendlies by digging ditches for enemies. The latter is usually his favorite part. [/color]