My personal dumb pet peeve that really isn't a problem? [color=9e0039]People using colors[/color] [color=440e62]that are hard to read[/color] [color=9e0b0f]and hurt my baby eyes.[/color] Guys, I love you, I love that effort you put in, I love how you dress up your posts to make them so damn sexy. It's nice. But my eyes are already bad enough as it is for looking at screens for most of my life and I've managed this far to go without needing glasses, so please stop killing the little guys. It really only gets to me when it's used extensively, like in dialogue for example. I kinda get the point of using color for a character's dialogue(like, it's fun right? Colors are fun?), but it can really ruin an otherwise fantastic post if I'm forced to squint and highlight and rub my little precious eyeballs that are hurting because you thought [i]that[/i] color would look great on [i]this[/i] background. Still, I'm not gonna get mad at you and I'm not gonna ask you to ever change: I just want you to know that your words are prettier when I can easily read them. [quote=@Ellri] For us, it is people who disappear without any notice or explanation. Be it from an RP or from the guild altogether. It doesn't take more than a couple of minutes to log on to say "Dropping out due to RL." or "RL issues. Be back in a month." or somesuch. People might not want to explain what their issue is (like what RL event caused them to have to drop, but that's their prerogative. For us at least, its perfectly fine if they just leave it at "RL." Same goes when people drop out of an RP (but not off the guild). It doesn't take much time to throw in an OoC post stating that you're dropping. All GMs appreciate knowing whether someone's still in their RP. [/quote] Oh, this absolutely. To all you ghosters out there, we're worried about you. Let us know if you're okay, okay? I actually feel that the people who remain on the guild bother me more, especially if they are just straight out ignoring PMs or @Mentions. It's cool if they don't wanna be in the RP anymore. Perhaps they misunderstood the RP or the GM kind of led them astray. Maybe they just lost motivation for their character or aren't having fun and want to try their hand at something else instead of just dropping uninspired posts. Maybe they think everyone in the RP are jerks. Whatever. Just politely excuse yourself. I feel like most people on the guild wouldn't even need to be given a reason why someone is backing out because I'm sure most of us have been in RPs that we just weren't feeling. That said, I'd rather have someone let me know if I had done something to make them drop out. But bopping out without saying anything isn't just rude, it can seriously hurt the flow of an RP and sometimes kill off something that would otherwise have been great. I'd almost say that this shouldn't count as a pet peeve, though. It's less of an annoyance and more of a kinda sorta giant problem. [sub]Although I feel like it's kind of an accepted evil, because the only potential solutions I can think of are all rather gross...[/sub]