[Center][h1][u][b][color=darkred]Kingdom Of Zakol[/color][/b][/u][/h1][/center] [hider=Hakurei, Capitol of Zakol (25)] Princess Wolph sat across from Lucretia Arnet on board the new allied train, "The preparations are complete, so we should be setting off momentarily", Lucretia seemed concerned that the princess was leading the military force herself to assist Zakols allies but refrained from bringing the matter up again, while the princess appeared to be really excited waiting for the train to start moving". Eventually a whistle sounded & the train lurched forward, a mass cheer came from all the passengers mixed with short screams as some passengers tightly held onto the seats or the poles as the train started moving & it wasn't long before it was on its way. A short while later Lucretia Arnet shot out of her chair vanishing into another carriage seemingly oblivious to the princess asking if she was alright. Some considerable time later the young strategist had returned looking immensely ill, "S-sorry princess, i, i, im not... so good...", she shot up again vanishing as had several other passengers, Eventually a Tushienian engineer passed and was stopped by the princess inquiring if everyone that left the carriage was alright, The engineer laughed "Yea, some people just happen to get whats known as motion sickness, no one knows why or how but the movement of the train affects some people making them nauseous, they'll be fine when we reach our destination". The engineer wandered off and the princess although still concerned turned her attention to the rapidly passing scenery outside of the train, impressed at how fast the vehicle was going despite the many passengers, & equipment was loaded onto it. "I see why Tushienia was so interested in this technology, in either military or civil matters it'll prove very beneficial & timely". An even worse looking version of Lucretia appeared sitting on the edge of the chair beside the princess, moaning in discomfort every time the train shook as it sped along the rails. The train came to a slow stop in northern Zakol as more troops boarded the train. The Engineer from before now heading back the other way stopped on his way past, looking at the now sleeping Lucretia who was laying across the seat using the princesses thigh as a pillow. "Do you want me to help move her to...", the princess smiled as she shook her head at the engineer "It's fine, just let her get some rest as we travel". Even though the princess was being innocently kind, Lucretia was unknowingly gaining the wrath of the elite Hellfire Banshee's who were affronted at her disrespectful actions despite them not being intended or deliberate, as she was exhausted from her constant nausea on the train thus far & zonked out. [/hider] [hider=Mandalia Province (27)] Ozma Torth walked around the town inspecting the constructed defenses with Lt.General Grumret who's extensive knowledge in defensive battles & siege warfare made him quite the expert on fortifications, every so often he'd take a note to pass along to the engineers later on to sure up any potential vulnerabilities he thought of. "Fine work, a couple minor touch-ups and the defenses should be solid", Ozma nodded at the elderly generals comment as they continued on. "Heeeeey! Oz!, over'ere!" Ozma turned to see General Venn sitting on a pile of creates, eating something. After walking over Ozma spoke to the overly cheerful General "As usual i can see your hard at work Loxa", General Venn moaned as she threw the bone of a chicken leg away in a random direction "Geez just got some lunch, i was out on patrol all morning". Ozma just looked at the energetic General waiting for news which after a few moments General Venn realized what the silence was for "Oh, nothing, nada... just, after them dark creatures attacked a few days ago, i haven't felt right... something was odd". The Elderly General Grumret spoke up "We beat back an attack from this mysterious enemy without trouble and you find something wrong with that?", Venn shot-up from the create "It was weird though, we mobilized our forces co-ordinated with our allies against these creatures attack, and after barely engaging them they fled back out of the province as quick as when they'd shown up". Grumret went into thought adding "it did seem disorganized but they're just mindless creatures right?". Ozma having been silently listening chimed in "As if them creatures were an advance scouting force, run in, see our response time, probe our formations & fall back to relay the information". Both Grumret & Venn looked at Ozma for a moment "them ugly beats?" spurted Venn as Grumret followed "i doubt such creatures have the intelligence for such tactics, or even the need from the reports from our allies encounters". General Venn spun to face Grumret for his comment "Now do you see why it's weird, something's up & i don't like waiting around for it to come, it's why i've been focused on patrolling the boarders but, nothin...". The three stood there in thought when a messenger ran over to Ozma with a new report on the final construction efforts, "Right we'll leave this matter for now, Loxa get some rest don't need you & your troops exhausted if something happens, Now Grumret Lets finish the inspection". As Ozma went to walk away as an upset farmer ran over to General Venn complaining some of her soldiers where seen near his farm & now several of his best egg laying chickens where missing, General Venn nervously laughed as she heard a deep sigh from Ozma as she walked away with Grumret following. [/hider] [hider=Northern Zakol (18)] The young Lt. Larek Mokur stood watching his troops hard at work along the coast with a heavy frown, frustrated at the task he was given & how he was now in charge of the garrison forces to defend the province which was in his mind far away from the front lines & the action where he could be distinguishing himself earning merits. "Sir that's the trench line finished now, want us to start installing the-" Larek nodded cutting the trooper off "yes, soon enough, but have the men rest for a bit before we start, they've been hard at work for hours already". The trooper seemed really cheerful that he was serving a wise officer fresh from the academy, as the new ones were usually slave drivers who couldn't tell their ass from their elbow for the first few months. "Yes's sir, i'll let the men know, thank you sir!" the trooper saluted before he turned to head off, leaving Larek overlooking the construction efforts & the ocean beyond them lost in thought. "...did my father actually trust me with an important task?, or is this to keep me safe from harm?", He continued to watch as more supply carts arrive and began offloading additional supplies "...I don't think this is idle busy work, to many resources are being committed for that". Larek grunted as he turned to storm away his train of thought was broken, as daydreams of earning honor in combat on the front lines again nagged at him. [/hider] [hider=Kirt Province (16)] General Mokur Stood watching his forces steadily march by as they crossed the boarder into allied territory, his second in command appearing at his side "We're making very good time we should arrive at our planned destination before the day is out, unless the weather takes a turn for the worse" the war-magi jested, but he noticed General Mokur look up at the sky "is something wrong sir?" the General smiled as he turned to march along with the passing column "No, i was just expecting it to start raining when you mentioned the weather..." General Mokur chuckled deeply as he walked off, leaving the war-magi standing there stunned at the fact the General laughed albeit briefly to himself but still. The Long marching parade of Zakol's military gained the attention of passing travelers, amazed children, & greatfull allied scouts & patrols that more allies had arrived to help. [/hider] [hider=Actions] [hider=Diplomacy] - Large shipments of various barrels, containing the finest Zakolian plumb wines & ales, Sent to every member of the Northern Alliance in an effort to help moral. Each official upon arrival to every alliance members kingdom gives the same warning!, "Ogres have an insane tolerance to alcohol, thus their drinks are notoriously potent and should be drank responsibly & in moderation by other races...". - Diplomats sent to contact: the remnants of the Krognar Tribe(NPC) offering safe passage & sanctuary within Zakol's territory, in return for military service of their tribal warriors & skilled/agile cavalry. Along with a diplomatic promise if they agreed, that if Alria survived the war with the darkness that Zakol would officially grant a reclaimed province to the Krognar Tribe to own & resettle along with a trade agreement to help them with income through commerce. - Zakolian Diplomats & Iparis representatives, sent to contact: Bripiak(NPC) to request they redirect any surplus reserve troops to increase the garrison of province(38) to help solidify South Alrias Defense line, From where they could easily move to reinforce the Dolarti Tribe in province(40), & Zakols province of Mandalia(27) if attacked, In return Bripiaks(npc) province(38) would receive reinforcements from Iparis, Zakol, & likely the Dolarti tribe if attacked in return. A Mutually supporting & beneficial defense-pact that would help strengthen the southern front & each involved kingdoms forces. [/hider] [hider=Military Action] - Mandalia Province(27) Construction of Defense fortress (tall thick walls, towers, gates, warehouses, garrison, stables, etc...) around the central town of Eren. - Northern Zakol(18) Dug Coastal defense trench, constructed small makeshift wall, forts, & bunkers, Layed what seemed to be pipes going into the eastern waters (E13), & noted shipments & stockpiling of jars & boxes by the military. - Southern Zakol(25) Dug a Coastal defense trench, constructed small makeshift wall, forts, & bunkers, Layed what again seemed to be pipes going into the eastern waters (F13), Due to the busy commerce of southern Zakol as a central trade-hub any shipments or stockpiling of goods is indistinguishable from the regular merchant caravans & traders going about their livelihoods despite the war. - Two Zakolian military forces moved north to support northern allied front against the darkness. - Andinon Province (15) Established a fortified encampment to operate from, near allied garrisons & supply routes. - Andinon Province (19) 'Loaned' (Aka politely appropriated) a garrison in a central agricultural town to operate from, Close to allied garrison forces & practically in a supply base. (The princess is royalty so she does occasionally take small liberties she believes she's entitled to... *cough*) [/hider] [hider=Personnel Transfer] Military Transfer: Kirt province (16) > Northern Zakol (18) - Lt. Larek Mokur - 2 Light Infantry - 6 Heavy Infantry - 2 Conscript Infantry Military Transfer: Kirt Province (16) > Allied province of Andinon (15) - General Volaq Mokur - 20 Units of Heavy Infantry - 2 Units of Archers - 2 War-Magi - 1 Unit of Magi - 4 Artillery - 2 units Conscript Infantry Military Transfer: (Via Rails) South & North Zakol (25,18) > Allied province of Andinon (19) - Princess Yui Wolph - Lucretia Arnet - High ranking war-magi / Military strategist - 1 unit Hellfire Banshees - 1 unit Crossbowmen - 1 unit Javalin Ogres - 16 units Heavy Infantry - 3 unit Heavy (Kragfang) Cavalry (from province 18) Naval Transfer: (E12) > (E13) - 7 Warships - 25 'Retrofitted' Transport-ships Naval Transfer: (E12) > (F13) - 8 warships - 25 'Retrofitted' Transport-ships [/hider] > Recruitment - 1 units heavy infantry (27) - 1 unit heavy infantry (25) - 1 unit arquebusiers (18) - 1 unit light Infantry (16) > Naval Construction - 2 war ships (18) - 2 war ships (25) > Research Cannons (Turn 2) Tech & Magic: Against the Dark - Given via diplomacy by Tushienia. [/hider] [hider=Garrisons] North Zakol (18) - Lt. Larek Mokur - 2 Units of Light Infantry - 6 units of Heavy Infantry - 2 units of Conscript Infantry - 2 units arquebusiers - 25 units allied dirigibles South Zakol (25) - Glasha Yotul - Priestess of the Sun & Moon - 4 units, Crossbowmen - 1 units, War Magi - 1 units, Magi (20) - 3 units,Trebuchet artillery - 4 units, Light Infantry - 10 units, Heavy Infantry - 3 unit heavy cavalry - 25 units allied dirigibles Mandalia (27) - Ozma Torth - General Loxa Venn - Lt.General Grumret - 6 Units of Light Infantry - 27 Units of Heavy Infantry - 4 Units of Archers - 3 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Magi - 5 Units of Heavy Cavalry - 2 Units of Artillery - 25 units allied dirigibles Kirt Province (16) - 1 unit Conscript Infantry Andinon Province (15) - General Volaq Mokur - 20 Units of Heavy Infantry - 2 Units of Archers - 2 War-Magi - 1 Unit of Magi - 4 Artillery - 2 units Conscript Infantry Andinon Province (19) - Princess Yui Wolph - Lucretia Arnet - High ranking war-magi / Military strategist - 1 unit Hellfire Banshees - 1 unit Crossbowmen - 1 unit Javalin Ogres - 16 units Heavy Infantry - 3 unit Heavy (Kragfang) Cavalry [u]Navy Locations[/u] - 7 transports (E12) - 7 Warships (E13) - 25 Transports (E13) - 8 Warships (F13) - 25 Transports (F13) [/hider]