[@Zeroth] The door cracked open, and from inside was a fairly pale, skinny man. He looked rather normal, wearing plain clothes that were somewhat clean and fitted. he was bald and wore glasses that hugged his face. The reason for this was because he didn't have a nose, and where his nose should have been, it was sewn closed. Despite his somewhat freakish appearance, he cracked a wry smile. "Ah. You must be the new hunters, making all the new commotion. Mhmm. I'm sure you want me to work on the God Hand by my guess. I suppose I could, I could, mhmm. Well, come in." The door opened, allowing Kenji inside. Inside the tannery it looked almost nightmarish. Various skins of monsters, animals, and even people, stretched out and being treated for future crafting. The smell that Kenji smelled on the way here was much stronger, sickeningly so. At the very least, it was understandable why the tanner sewn up his own nose. "Mhmm. My name is Tailor, and as that name implies, I help make clothing here in Iredale. My needlework is second to none here. Now, I know you have some God Hands for me, but please understand that it takes time for me to flay them and treat the skin... Not to mention that aside from their heads, shoulders, hands, and forearms, the rest of it is just human skin. Which of course I can fix up for you, but I... Understand that newcomers aren't quite willing to wear human hides." The old make kept up his wry smile, but his eyes were kept closed. Perhaps it was just the way it is, or perhaps he was hiding something from Kenji. Obviously not the source of most of the leather in town; it was quite obvious that Tailor expected the hunters to come back with skins for him to work with. "There is, of course, the matter of pay. My materials don't simply appear out of nowhere. I need to go out and collect them myself, and well, I used to be a hunter like you... Mhmm, well, point is that while I can certainly treat your leather, skin your prey, I would need payment if you want your leather back. And of course you can always hire me to craft you something. Normally I only make clothes for the townsfolk, but I can work with some types of armor as well. They'll be sturdy yet light, perfect for a hunter such as yourself." Hidden in some of the darker corners of the shop, there were a few dead bodies, stripped of their belongings and were not just naked corpses neatly lined up for skinning. In a barrel near them were weapons, and on a box, clothing. Previous hunters from some time ago. Just a quiet reminder of what happens to people who don't pay for Tailor's services. "Mhmm. Any questions?"