[@Zeroth] Tailor shook his head solemnly, cracking open his eyes just a bit. "Mhmm... Not much to trade but more skins and leather. I need my tools, and even I must pay for goods and services... I suppose however, since you are young and strong, we can work out a deal." Tailor left Kenji alone for a moment before returning, holding a list of sorts. This paper, fortunately, seemed to have actually been made on regular animal parchment instead of someone's skin. "Here. A list of things I need for tanning. Easier than bringing back bodies. Be careful. Not all come from monsters, but that doesn't mean they are easy to find or safe to get." When Kenji asked about being taught how to skin creatures, Tailor's eyes opened up. Kenji could see quite clearly that Tailor [i]had no eyes[/i]. Not even fakes too keep his head from collapsing into his eye sockets. They were just somehow... Empty. Literally. He otherwise seemed quite happy. "An apprentice? Oh joyous days! It's been so long! Ah, but alas... Aside from the God Hand, I have nothing to teach you at the moment. Understand, I am more than willing to teach you the basics of skinning a creature. However, I'm not the best teacher, mhmm. I'm more of watch-and-learn type, you see, and right now well, we only have these and those." Tailor motioned towards the corpses lined up near the back. There wasn't a mark on them; no cuts, no scars. No visible cause of death. They may have not even struggled. "If you wish, bring the other God Hands here, and I may begin to show you how to flay them so you an bring them to me. You may even bring the meat back the Butcher. A nice lady, if a bit gruff. Makes the best pie in Iredale, though not many make pies nowadays. Oh! How rude of me. I never got your name."