I get kind of annoyed when I, in a IC post, mention a character or two and interact with them (outside of a collab post) and when they post, they completely ignore what my character said or did to them. I thankfully haven't had this done a lot, but (and I won't mention names or RPs) it has been happening in a game I am in and it is frankly making me want to drop out. I like interacting with people, and I don't mind collabing on something, but if my character is doing something to yours or saying something to yours, at least acknowledge it and then move on to what you want to do. Or better yet, message me. I could, of course, poke them and say "hey, my character did so and so" and let that be, but my thing is I shouldn't HAVE to do that. If you are reading the IC posts, then yeah, you should see that I am talking to you. I also don't like tagging people in IC posts, but that's just my thing.