[u]Province 6[/u] Everyday more troops came in, yet the darkness had strengthened with every assault. Still, Andinon would hold as it always had. Something would be figured out to beat back these monsters once and for all. Every nation on the continent and then some was working on defeating this darkness. A lich was said to be the source of it all. However it was doubtless impossible to attack him, no wise commander would venture to the front lines when he had thousands of expendable soldiers to do it for him. [u]Province 15[/u] Crude proto-types of the Arquebus's are being given to the Calvary to try out. They're not quite perfected yet, still either to much recoil or not enough power. It needed to be just the right mix. The engineers were confident it wouldn't take much more than a season before the weapons were operational. The calvary were at least excited, it would make their job twice as easy, and much more effective. [hider=Actions] Research: Pistols, Turn 3 Recruit 1 Dirigible in all Provinces. Recruit 1 Arquebus in all provinces Garrisons Remaining Garrison of Province 6 -13 War Magi -14 Units of Light Cavalry -15 Units of Magi -14 Units of Heavy Infantry -10 Artillery -11 Dirgibles -3 Arquebus Remaining Garrison of Province 15 -7 War Magi -9 units of Light Cavalry -11 units of Magi -8 Units of Heavy Infantry -4 Artillery -6 Dirigibles -4 Arquebus Remaining Garrison in Province 19 -30 War-Magi -8 units of Light Cavalry -5 Artillery -13 units of Dirigibles -3 Arquebus Garrison of Province 14 -1 unit of War Magi -1 unit of Storm Shadows Armies in Province 13 -5 Units of Magi [/hider]