[quote=@Hexaflexagon] [@Traitor] Is the arm only limited in it's shape and form in how actually big it is? And the AI gradually as it goes through each situation remembers more and more modules to use in corresponding situation Or does it just come loaded with a bunch of presets like you had listed but that's it. It is confined to those presets? And since it is only sort of dependent on Gorgon's brain, if it were hypothetically chopped off could it move independently and if so is it programmed to seek out the user again? [/quote] It's limited to what the user can think of, and its physical size. It can't expand beyond 1.5x the length of a normal human arm. The presets are essentially limited to what I have listed thus far, but with a PC and some creativity anyone could program in additional ones. And nothing stops Gorgon from, say, using it to latch onto a moving train or something. The word "preset" really only refers to the human equivalent of muscle memory. They're forms the arm can snap into in the blink of an eye. It's not truly dependent on Gorgon's brain. It's sort of reading out her brain activity to fit whatever utility she wants, but that's more like a one-way silent, lag-free communication between the two. If a "command" issued by Gorgon would contradict its prime directive, the AI could even choose to disobey. As such it would be able to protect her from harm even if she was unconscious. If the arm gets chopped off, it would probably still attempt to protect the (detached) user, but only for a short while until it runs out of juice (as its energy supply actually comes from the users body, which is why excessive overuse of the arm exhausts Gorgon in the long run). It would not be able to re-attach itself as that would require quite complicated surgery. [quote=@Hexaflexagon] Oh and the CDAPM "Polygon Coat" Protective Wear should probably go under Augmentations rather than weapons. Even though it is technically not an augmentation but a fancy coat based on the same technology. Unless she uses the hardened properties of the coat to murder people with the long forgotten art of coat fighting. Oh and your currently missing the top part of the CS. The part. But once you add that and answer my few questions, everything else looks good on my end. And I'll gladly accept you. [/quote] Done and done! [s]Although I'm only going to list the coat under augs to cover up the fact that she is indeed a grandmaster of coat combat.[/s] Also, glad you like it. I was afraid the background would appear a bit rushed as I wanted to get it out asap, but apparently that was just my paranoia.