[center][img]http://cdn.mycoverpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Incredible-Hulk-Facebook-Timeline-Profile-Cover-Photo.png[/img][/center] [i]"Doctor Geoffrey Crawfords audio log. My condition is getting worse, I now need a cane in order to assist me when moving around the hospital and as such have taken a leave of absence. The hospital believes it is so that I can get my affairs in order though it's really so that I can find a cure. With the acceleration of my condition I'm going to have to speed up my plans to compensate, within days I'll likely lose all mobility in my legs and not long after that all motor control will be lost to me. I believe more than ever that the blood of Doctor Banner, A.K.A the Hulk is the key to saving me. While there are other serums that already exist they are near impossible to replicate, with the sample of blood I now possess I feel with certainty that with my expertise I could fashion a cure. Just think how much good that could come to the world from something so monstrous! Maybe once I have cured myself I can even fashion a cure for Doctor Banner himself. Though one step at a time, first I need to save my own life.[/i] Crawford put the recording device back down on the table, walking with his cane over to the makeshift laboratory in his spare room he sat down in the chair on front of the microscope. It was clear that adrenaline was the key to the reaction in bringing out the regenerative abilities of the Hulk, and as such all the nasty side effects. Such as apparent complete loss in cognitive ability and all sense of self. He didn't want the Hulk, he wanted the healing power that came with it. Finding a way to separate the two from one another would prove complicated. Though he was sure he'd manage to do it. After all his very life was on the line. [hr] Bruce had heard the news, the Nuclear Explosion out in the woods. The subsequent S.H.I.E.L.D intervention, apparently the people who had taken the Hulk had then went on to regret the decision. Once and for all. The thought of all that natural beauty having to be abandoned due to radiation tugged at his heart. If only he hadn't been the Hulk he could have worked with the authorities to try and contain the radiation in the area, he was the leading expert after all. He was starting to question if this whole thing had been worth it, yes he had saved a life in the very same accident that had caused him to become the Hulk. Though at what cost? How many more had died, and would continue to die due to that decision? He'd have to end it, and when he ended it he'd have to do it quickly to ensure that there was no way Hulk could fight back against it. He had always wanted to be a force for good in this world, and he had destroyed so much and so many peoples lives. It had to end, he had to end it. With a heart heavier than it had ever been in his life he stood up, placing money on the counter of the diner he was in before walking out of the door and to the nearby payphone. The number was burned into his head, how could it not be? He just sighed and waited as the phone rang, silently praying that there wouldn't be an answer. He wanted to just leave a message on the answer phone, he didn't want to put her in this situation. Not by a long shot. Then he heard the click and cursed himself. "Hello, Betty Ross speaking." His words caught in his throat, just hearing her voice, they say the first thing you forget about someone is their voice. Though he knew that wasn't true, it was just as sweet as he remembered it being. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He couldn't do it. He couldn't tell her, she wouldn't want to speak to him anyway after what had happened. How could she? "Hello? I can hear you breathing. Who's there?" He couldn't say everything he wanted to say, but he could at least say something. He could never make amends for what he had done, he'd be paying for it for the rest of this life and whatever life came next. Clearing his throat he spoke, each word strained as if it had to be forced from his lips. "I'm sorry Betty-" A lone tear streaked down round his cheek, dropping to the ground. "-I'm so, so sorry." "Bruce, is that y-" He let go of the phone, gravity claiming it until the cord pulled tight. He didn't bother to hang it up, he could still hear her pleading into the phone but he couldn't stomach anymore. It was selfish to call her, but he had to do it before he prevented himself from causing anymore catastrophes. He stalked out of the phone booth into the crisp cool air pulling his hood above his head and facing the ground as the tears began to flow. This was for the best.