[center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/3monica6/wren_zpsefff2a34.png[/img][/center] Perfectly manicured fingers (today, her nails were a bright pink with a slight hint of glitter) gingerly wrapped around the smartphone charging on her dock, turning the alarm off before it began to buzz and ring. The still groggy brunette let her eyes slowly adjust to the light, hesitating momentarily before scrambling off the bed with a stifled yawn. Catherine Sinclair had to resist the urge to jump back on the warm inviting bed, [i]her[/i] bed, fluffy and soft and [i]hers[/i]. It was one of the things she missed when she had to shoot on location, which had been for most of the summer. As soon as Caelbury had let out for the summer and up until a week ago, Wren had been working on the first installment of a planned trilogy. It was an answer to the young adult, dystopian, book-to-movie hype. There was a lot of debate that had come up after she was announced as the lead, so Wren was naturally beyond motivated to prove any doubters wrong. She worked her ass off these past few months, and didn't allow herself to relax until after the wrap party four days ago. It wouldn't be the end of the world if she slept for a few more minutes, right? Wren looked at the clock (only 5:45!) and back to the bed impishly, weighing her options before diving back on the bed like a child. "Just five minutes," she assured as she closed her eyes and indulged herself just this once. … ★ … This time, she woke up to the unfamiliar blaring of her second alarm. Wide eyed and slightly panic-stricken, Wren hopped off her bed once again and headed straight to the adjoining room. Her closet, just as big as her bedroom, was filled to the brim with clothes and shoes but she developed an infallible organization system to easily sort through them. Wren quickly navigated to what she labeled as the 'fitness corner' and grabbed the first pair of workout clothes hanging. She would normally be more meticulous with her choice—they were dependent on weather and type of activity, [i]naturally[/i]—but it was already 6:25 and she was behind schedule. Wren had to do a shorter but more intense workout to make up for the lost twenty-five minutes, but she was back in schedule by the time she finished showering. Choosing an outfit normally took longer, but she had been so excited to go back to the academy that she already planned out everything. For today, she would be wearing a simpler piece: a beige lace back playsuit and white leather pumps with two inch heels. She went with a natural look for her makeup and styled her hair in a neat braided crown. Wren checked the mirror for the umpteenth time, checking and rechecking if the ensemble worked, before smiling in approval and heading down to eat. Breakfast with her family was as delightful as always. There were always funny work stories to share and hilarious, nonsensical hate mail to poke fun at. Her brothers went home for the week just to spend some time with her, so the day was even better. With morning preparations over and done with, Wren was finally ready to go. Her suitcases would be handled by her PA, so she didn't have to worry about settling in her dorm room. Like last year, everything would be arranged for her before she even entered the room. It made her feel a little (okay, [i]a lot[/i]) pompous, but she hated unpacking so she didn't mind too much. She bade her parents farewell and promised to check in with them at least every other week, and gave her brothers a long hug. They would be going out of the country for a few months, so she won't get to see them for a while. After another mirror check in the living room mirror, she was off. The drive to Caelbury took only thirty minutes. She was free to stroll around campus before most of the students arrived, although she was certain there were already others unpacking in their rooms. Instead of heading straight to her room, though, Wren decided to walk along the dormitory building's foyer, before the building split into the girl's and boy's side. Finding out who her roommate was going to be was one of the surprises she liked to hold on for as long as possible. It was a bit silly, but she liked the reveal part. There was something about the first time you make eye contact with your roommate that appealed to her sense for drama. After a while, Wren sat on one of the plush velvet sofas available and pulled out her phone, checking her twitter feed as she waited for other students to arrive.