[quote=@Hexaflexagon]That being said, there are some cool alternatives in 2066 to boring normal lasers that I may suggest. You have an Electrolaser which could conceivably be built into her arm. Basically instead of trying to burn through a target (boring) it creates a Laser-induced plasma channel by firing a very hot laser into the air and ionize the air to make it into plasma. What this means is you fire a laser and a split second later your actually firing basically lighting at somebody. Now this is something with more practical applications in 2066 since a regular laser just burns through the target and would have to burn through reinforced plating and cybernetics and stuff. An electrolaser just hits the motherfucker with a shit ton of electricity and can be used to kill guys through you know shooting lighting at them and can also shorten out electronics and stuff. That being said the arm would probably be more of a one shot blast in that case because it's going to drain a lot of energy and be very, very hot for a period of time and if you tried to fire again you would probably mess up the focusing instruments and stuff. And the handgun gun could be something like a PEP (Pulsed energy projectile) which once again uses a laser pulse to create a small amount of exploding plasma to knock a guy off their feet and do excruciating amounts of nerve damage! But really I suppose the regular lasers are fine, but why have regular lasers when you can have super awesome lasers? Or at least that is my deal on things. [/quote] I'm fine with changing the normal, boring lazers to electrolazrs. :D And with making her arm a one shot wonder. And a PEP gun also sounds fun and exciting and not boring at all. (Lol) Anything that has a tag line that you'r basically shooting lightning at someone has me sold! [quote=@Hexaflexagon]Secondly you mention that she does take Neurotop (Which she would have to since she is significantly cybered out) but doesn't have to take as much of it as some people. I also understand she's a CEO baby which means that she was probably genetiaclly altered when she was still a little ace fetus thing (creepy I know) and you said Mr and Mrs Alterman are going after her because she was a walking test of sorts. So I'm assuming they did something to her neurological system so that she is more "receptive to augmentations" than others to prevent her from snapping? Which I would be fine with because it's a story thread that I could maybe pull on the future you know. [/quote] The idea behind Ace's genetic modifications was to make her more advanced without augmentations. Not that she knows it. The idea was to make her smarter and more capable of things. Of course mommy and daddy dearest didn't focus on the physical (not like Ace) because punching things really hard was worthless for them. And the changes they made, made Ace more capable of handling multiple augmentations. It wasn't the result they were working for, more like a side effect. If that makes sense. And yes, Ace does still need to take Neurotop and would probably loose it if she didn't. Mainly because she left home before the experiment was complete. If she had stayed there was a very good chance that she would never have to take the drug with all the augmentations she has. Of course if she stayed she never would have been augmented... [quote=@Hexaflexagon]The other point is that even if she has to take very little amounts of it, Neurotop is expensive like really really expensive. Like we are talking upwards of $5,000 per vial (like some drugs today like Soliris) and those vials will only last you a week at best if you are really trying to push it. It's expensive and it is because it acts as a economic control on the populace because only Corps can afford buying even small amounts of it. Let alone large amounts to fuel their crazy cyborg armies. So maybe you could add something like she stole some from her parents company before she fled or something but you know as the supplies have dwindled she has had to take more progressively suicidal missions to keep on making enough money to buy it on the street. You know just fluff out her story a little more help explain how she went from little adventurous daughter of some rich people to a Diver cyborg lady badass.[/quote] I'm also cool with her taking Neurotop when she left. I can throw in that she stole some other drugs too while she was at it to sell at first to avoid using traceable cash until she could get it cleaned. And as her money dwindles she has to resort to stupid jobs, like the current one. As for why's she a Diver, it's because she wants to. She gets a kick out of it. Haha. That's her driving motivation. Fun/Enjoyment. (Because she's a little warped. Blame the Alterman genes.) I'll be changing it now. ~ EDIT: And changed issues 1 and 3. Did you want me to add in the part about her genetic modifications into her bio? (I wasn't sure if I should add it because Ace herself doesn't know about it...)