Sebacia a Grand Republic expands again its influence into the Eastern reaches of its territory and begins to settle into the so far uncharted tangled wilderness known as The Hinterlands which acts as a barrier between Sebacia and the distant Neo-New Empyrean Imperium. The Hinterlands are a mass of forests,wetlands, and a seemingly endless network of rivers and who knows what else teeming with beasts, new plants, and even rumors of a sapient race that stalks amongst the primordial shadows in the depths of the wilderness . Thanks to the technological prowess of Sebacia they have managed to shuttle forth materials and settlers to establish newly minted settlements which act as glorified expedition bases drawing all sort of people from the adventurous to those who just merely seek a new start on life. Sebacia has sent many people to chart the rivers and the wilderness but they either all disappear or retreat in fear after getting lost and and running out of supplies or after a disaster involving disease, unknown magic, or encounter with possibly its people. With a desire to quell superstition, exploit resources, and develop a faster path to the Empyrean Imperium they looked into hiring groups of expert adventurers to lead in these expeditions and offer assistance with their field work experience. You are a proud member of the Red Dragon Bone Guild. A group of seasoned experts skilled in not only exploration but things like botany, magical studies, zoology, anthropology, and other fields. They explore ruins, unknown areas like this, or slightly less exciting make excavations for the purposes of finding lost cities or ancient beasts. Occasionally you might even discover a lost magic or technology or a clever member might invent something based off fragments of knowledge and bring money and prestige. Hired by Sebacia you and others are part of one the elite teams set via locomotive to one of these frontier towns known as Ando. Ando while nowhere even close to the word metropolitan, is a fairly well sized and situated perfectly into the border of the wilderness with an access to the labyrinthine network of rivers. However in these frontier towns there's a bit of a penchant of lawlessness and rowdiness which might involve you having to step out of your expertise and keep some order be it man or beast. [hr][h2]The Tl;DR/ how it works[/h2] This game will be focused on exploration with some elements of more mundane drama and perhaps some sort of town building element as you explore and go through things. It's also a dice game and it'll be running off of OVA which I'm sure even the most inexperienced of people will find easy enough to learn and use. To use the dice you'll go here: [url][/url] and then type #xd6 where x is the amount of dice so lets say I roll a 4, then I'd write it as #4d6 and then you click on the dice image next to your nick and paste the image somewhere on your post. [img][/img] Anyway the influences on this game is like American western expansion mixed with that Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn riverboats stuff and Amazon/Congo river exploration mashed with JRPG shit. [h2]How to play[/h2] Rules for play [url=] Get'em here[/url] [b]Your homework & character creation guidelines[/b] [list] [*]Open up the book and read the parts on character creation, abilities & weaknesses, taking action, and combat [*]Make a nickname for Rolz [*]Everyone has 20 points to begin with and can get up to 25 with weaknesses [*]You begin with three different power moves [*]There is no witchcraft. It's been combined with arcane magic. But you should probably clarify on your specialty though if applicable [*]If you're a magician or some sort of ranged user your power moves get the free ranged perk. [*]Hobbies cost half a point [/list] [h3]On Cses[/h3] I don't care about how you do it because I'm lazy. Instead I'll just tell you what I want to to see. Obviously your stats and stuff, appearance, a brief blurb on their background, what their specialty in the guild is, basic character info like age and sex, etc. I'll probably post a sample character up