[center]~| Day 2, 18:04 GST - 18:10 GST |~ ~| Miasa, alone in her quarters |~[/center] It had taken her considerable time to finalize the assembly of the arm framework and the integration of the concealed explosives, but at long last the machines were doing the brunt of the work. For now, she would have a good two hours before she had anything more to do for the construction. Not everything required her direct intervention, that was the advantage of automated manufacture. The brunt of the work was done by machines, then she did the work that would make the product exceptional. She slithered over to the other table, lifting up the severed arm of the Sith Lord Sish. She had plans for it, and now at last she could go through with those plans. Though not a true burden, it was nonetheless heavy, ripe with muscles and strong bones. ‘Good.’ she thought as she moved over to one of the few crates not yet opened. With but a simple gesture, she opened up the crate. After that, she dumped the arm inside and shut the lid. She keyed in a series of commands into the control panel on the side of the crate, then coiled herself up to wait. [center]~| Day 2, 20:07 GST - 20:14 GST |~[/center] Miasa had simply rested as she waited both of her current projects. She did not truly sleep, but neither had she been entirely awake. She shook herself awake as the crate with the arm elicited a barely audible sound, indicating that its task was complete. Using the Force, she opened the crate once more, lifting what had been the Sith Lord’s arm out of it. The sight of it made her smile. But not nearly so much as the smell did. She did not hesitate for a second. With a quick twist of certain muscles her jaws, she disjointed her jawbone, then showed the fully cooked arm inside her maw. She did not bother to chew, that was unnecessary. Her stomach fluids were more than capable of dissolving such. The wonder of the taste as it slid down her gullet was beyond words. It was simply perfect. Her portable oven had done its work flawlessly as it always did. It took no more than three minutes from when she pulled it out of the crate till she had it deep inside her belly. It would take several days to fully digest, but she would enjoy every moment of it. There was just something special about devouring the meat of both reptilian species and of Sith. When the meal was both, it was beyond words. The blessings of the Dark Side added a certain flavor to the meat that no spice could replicate. Her fondness for reptilian meat came from how it was familiar to herself. A rather simple fact, really. Eating properly cooked meat of the right sorts was one of the few things that made her smile. Miasa had her doubts that any other than Nyiss knew of her particular fondness for eating such meals, but could not be entirely certain. It wasn’t something she shared far and wide, but neither did she strive to keep it secret. Her oven was designed especially to neutralize most forms of poison and venom, and her stomach acids took care of even more. With the propensity of some Sith to gather information, it was not entirely impossible for some to have discovered the truth, but she still did not think any paid attention to it. Maybe she should consider thanking the Sith Lord for his generous donation?