[quote=@Jollan] Terra was startled by Paige's sudden stop and had to swerve out of the way to miss her as she spun into a halt, knocking a basket of eggs out of a citizen's hands in the process. "Why would anyone want to cause trouble here?" she thought out loud. "Hey kid! You broke all my eggs!" the angry old lady said to Terra. Terra spun around shocked and quickly tried to apologize, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- .... isn't there a saying about?" Her mind interrupting herself, noticing that all the lady's eggs were in the one basket she knocked over. Just then Paige took off again, "Hey wait for me!" she shouted as she sped off to follow. "HEY YOU! Come back here!" the elderly citizen called out. "Sorry! I'll bring you a second basket if I see you again!" Terra replied. "Uhg, that's not what I meant. Darned fairy tail kids n' their flyin' sticks n' whatnot-," the lady continued to grumble as she faded in the distance, salvaging what she could. [/quote] From behind the woman was a very large man covered in white cloth and a large artifact necklace. He smiled as he held out her basket to her, his green skin of putting but he seemed nice enough. Some of the yolk from the broken eggs where still in there, but three unbroken eggs where inside. "I suppose my timing was impeccable... but reflexes seem to be corroded" he said in an almost hardy way, hiding a single shuckle. His voice was low and gravely, but strong. Wether she took the basket, or was too frightened to and thus he would need to put it on the ground, he nodded to her and walked off, giving her a salute before he was too far away. "All be sure to give those kids a run for their money, I suppose discipline is a way of the past in our guild, is it not?" Muttered chelm to the lady, more to himself than her. On his back was a large object covered in an extensive amount of cloth to hide it's presence. "Now then... which way did they go?"