[@geminironin] Thank you for your interest! Responding to both is okay, I put up two because I find that the people who play in Casual don't always check the Casual IC lists. Also having two threads helps get the word out. ;) [@Gunther]That is a very good point to make. Owning many critical assets from the countries makes more sense than owning the governments out of debt. Seeing as WT Dev. is a World Wide producer and leading authority in military grade tech and goods it would make sense that they own a great many of the resource and production assets around the world. They are also big in the security division, and there for have a strong hand over many police forces, and would again make sense that they own different privatized security groups for training and other needs. I will copy your post and put it in my OOC post notes for revision. Thanks again! I tried this story months ago, and made it almost a year ago, so there are plenty of things tha I didn't think of when going through it again to put up here. as for the name, I was going to ask for ideas for a team name to use for the title, but having a department name like that would work too. We have three people here now so we can start the ball rolling for the OOC. Why don't you all throw, lets say, two or three names my way for the team we are / department we work for. I have a few now, I just want to see what you all think.