[center]~|Day 2, 18:36-18:40|~ ~|Jayda, Prison Complex (Medical Bay)|~[/center] Lettting Koren finish talking to Khan, Jayda was quietly completing his words. Her mind absorbing the additional knowledge while she tried to understand then compare her own experience with Sish. He had tested her, through not in the way the Padawans had been, through his own set of trials based on her emotional, physical and mental strength. She had fortunate enough to survive through if Sish’s behavior was an example, she was certain not all would’ve. “Sith seem to be more based on desires than Force guidance.” Jayda commented when Koren finished, her mind returned to the earlier subject. “Through while you seem to accept differences, it is the main source of conflict between why Sith and Jedi can’t get along. Any race that is push to their limits reacts with violence because no race likes to be forced to alter their ways, no matter how radically different it is or brutally seen.” Hearing the words slip from her lips, her ignorance about the Sith culture was plain to hear. Abruptly this made her awareness flare and slightly irritated by how little of either cultures she knew. In fact of what she knew about the Sith was from Sish, tainted by his bias about the strongest survive and Jedi being weaker. Anything related to the Jedi, on the other hand, was not acceptable since her father was the only force user in her life and clearly not the best source. Her mind still wondered if he had in any way been what Sish clearly believed. Her eyes fixed on Koren’s smile, studying him and inwardly wondering if it was genuine. Finally she voiced an additional fact she knew well at least. “Zabraks are known to act the same way, our own stubbornness and pride prevents us from giving in. There’s even a tradition called the Blood Hunt where Kelo or a Tlestri are hunted by family members then killed to restore honor.” Pausing for a breath, Jayds continued. “Yet, we’re not seen as evil like the Sith.” She let the fact linger in the air, the truth undeniable by any individuals that actually knew about Zabrak culture as she then settled her eyes on Nazca, believing the woman might. Her flesh tingled, her head draw to seek out the source and spotted Koren’s blank face looking at her for some reason she couldn’t figure out.