Orias sat in a cantina with a shotglass of Juma in his hands. His helmet was on the table in front of him, he stared it in the eyes. "What'd you do?" he asked, before necking the shot. At that point, a Rodian female in slave attire approached him. "Well, if it isn't my lucky day?" he asked, putting up his "Nice guy" facade. The Rodian sat down on the table across from him. "I thought Slavery was illegal... Or are you just one of those kinds of girls?" "Slavery contracts made outside of Republic space are still legally recognized within Republic space." She replied. "Anyway, we both know that i'm not here to ask you for 50 creds for a quicky." she smiled. "Awww." he moaned, returning her smile. She was quite the beauty by Rodian standards and though there were a lot of humans who weren't into the whole bug-face, he was brought up not to particularly care, after all, his mother wasn't exactly humanoid. "So, what are you here for?" he asked. She slid him a small round device to him. "Sorry about this, but, gotta keep up appearances." she said, before picking up her drink and throwing it in his face. She then said something in Rodian that, although he didn't understand, nonetheless assumed was something rather nasty about what his mother did up against walls with freighter captains. "You don't HAVE to wear the helmet, I just like it that way." he called after her to keep the facade going. Several of the patrons snickered him. After a few minutes, the bar settled down and he was ignored again. He then pressed a button on the disk and a hologram of a Hutt appeared. "My dear Darth Orias. How I know who you are and what you look like are irrelevant, just rest assured that I have eyes and ears everywhere. I know about the Imperial build-up and have taken a keen interest in the coming war. Now, I can't officially out my biased towards a Republic victory, because it's just bad business, but I know that you aren't overtly fond of the Empire coming back. After all, the Jedi will never pull their heads out of the sand long enough to see your rag-tag band of Vader worshipers, whereas the Sith will try their hardest to hunt your group down and either kill or assimilate them into their groups of Sith." Orias twisted his lip in contemplation, the slug had a point. For 200 years, they had been rather cozy on Endor without much Republic interference. The Republic were nicely incompetent at such noticing the little things... Such as an Imperial invasion force now making its way through the Republics back garden. "As such, i have paid your dock fee's and have given you a ship. Just a little something that I imagine you will find most appealing. It's not the one you've always hoped for, I couldn't find that one for love nor money, but it'll perform as well as any top-of-the-line military equivalent. All i ask in return is that, when I send you further instructions, you follow them as far as you feel comfortable following them." Orias was rather taken aback by this. A Hutt finding out about the Acolytes, surprising but not entirely out of left field. Him taking an anti-imperial stance, not entirely unexpected. But giving him something and then not asking for slavery in exchange? He didn't entirely trust the Hutt, but the force wasn't sending him any red flags about his intentions... Could they be completely benign? Orias shook his head. He had no idea what to do at the moment, but the force had obviously only pointed him here for this particular event, staying only wasted time. Maybe if they expelled that Knight, he could snatch her up into the Acolytes. He shrugged and, grabbing the helmet, began to walk out of the cantina and head cautiously towards the Jedi temple.