[b]"Every now and then I have the feeling I've totally lost my mind. It's a great feeling." [/b] Full name: Richard “Dick” Grayson Alias: Nightwing Appearance: [img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/bbfb/th/pre/f/2015/308/4/1/dick_grayson_commission_by_phil_cho-d9fhkqu.jpg[/img] Costume: [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/7184/i/2012/346/9/c/nightwing_by_shamserg-d5nt139.jpg[/img] Team: Young Justice - Leader Brief Bio: Dick Grayson was the youngest member of the legendary Circus act The Flying Grayson. Who traveled the world through the Haly's Circus tour. However during a special charity performance in Gotham City The Joker and his goons attacked during the show. Dick helped fight back the henchmen with Batman but couldn't save his parents and older brother from being killed in the chaos. Dick Grayson was put into adoption but was soon adopted by billionaire businessman Bruce Wayne. When he was living at the Wayne Manor, Dick discovered that Bruce was also Batman, the famed vigilante hero of Gotham. Dick begged and pleaded to join him but Bruce initially rejected the idea. Finally he relented and Dick Grayson became Robin, the nickname he had gotten from his fellow circus performers for his soaring skills. Dick Grayson grew up alongside Bruce Wayne and helped fight the gritty crime of Gotham City. When he started to go into his teens however, Dick and Bruce had a serious fight with one another and Dick left to go out on his own. He donned new gear and became Nightwing. Soon though Bruce reached out to him and made up. Telling Dick about a new young heroes team the Justice League was forming. With Bruce wanting Dick Grayson to lead the team. Dick couldn't pass it up, wanting to become a mentor just like Bruce was for him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]"If you think about it... there's no such thing as normal. Normal doesn't exist. Every single person on the planet is entirely different from every other person on the planet. Which means you can be average. You can be typical. But kids don't end up killing themselves -- or taking guns to school -- because they want to be typical. They want to be normal. More then anything. And until very recently... so did I." [/b] Full name: Theodore “Teddy” Altman/Dorrek VIII Alias: Hulkling Appearance: [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/baf5e1ceaa2667a074714250e5b86fd3/tumblr_inline_nkpblcKWxJ1rb2xgr.png[/img] Costume: [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140530030239/marveldatabase/images/5/51/Dorrek_VIII_%28Earth-616%29_009.jpg[/img] Team: Young Avengers Brief Bio: The son of a Kree warrior and a Skrull princess, Teddy's mom escaped with him when he was a newborn to Earth. Since the conflict between both alien species was extremely hostile. Teddy however grew up on Earth unaware of his alien heritage. Instead he was considered a relatively normal kid. He played football and basketball in school and got good grades. However in high school he not only found out about his kree and skrull powers, but also his homosexuality. This ended up leading to him connecting with his first boyfriend Kevin. Kevin was nice to Teddy but was manipulative. Especially when eventually he found out about Teddy's shape shifting powers and had him use them for their personal gain. Teddy didn't realize this until one night Kevin had him pose as Tony Stark to go into the mansion the Avengers used to use as their base, where Kevin wanted to steal from it. Teddy though, a superhero fanboy at heart, refused and after a fight watched Kevin storm off threatening to expose not only Teddy's homosexuality, but his powers to the rest of the school. In his fit of anger Teddy's powers truly kicked in, and he threatened Kevin serious harm if he did such a thing. Shortly afterwards, he found out about a group of young superheroes and it was through them he met Billy Kaplan, aka Wiccan. Who he fell for and has been dating ever since.