[center][img]http://cdn3.denofgeek.us/sites/denofgeekus/files/styles/insert_main_image/public/wiccan.png?itok=eToa4byM[/img] [b][u]Full name:[/u][/b] William "Billy" Kaplan [b][u]Alias:[/u][/b] Wiccan [b][u]Team:[/u][/b] Young Avengers [b][u]Brief Bio:[/u][/b] Billy Kaplan was born the eldest of three sons to Reform Jews Jeff Kaplan, a cardiologist, and Rebecca Kaplan, a psychologist. Billy had trouble with bullies in school due to his sexuality and being flamboyant. Once while sitting in front of Avengers Mansion, he briefly met the Scarlet Witch, his favorite Avenger. She gave him some words of encouragement and told him that he "could take care of himself". Billy took her advice and stood up to his bully. Unfortunately, Billy's electrokinetic powers emerged for the first time and nearly killed his antagonizer. After practicing his abilities more, he sought after Scarlet Witch for help only to find that the Avengers had briefly been disbanded. Thanks to a fail safe program that Billy was a part of, other young superheroes were put together to form the Young Avengers. Billy styled himself after Thor, giving himself the name Asgardian and being under the wing of Scarlet Witch learning the craft. He began dating his teammate Hulkling not long after. After the team recruited a few more members, some of them recommended that he change his name to Wiccan instead which he happily agreed.[/center]