Sebastian followed his wife, thanking James for helping, even if he did scare Alice. Jack didn't notice when anyone left, staying by Alice's side diligently and holding her hand He shushed her gently when it seemed like she wanted to say something. "It's alright now. You're safe with us. Just rest." He pressed his lips to her forehead. He watched her as she slept, running his thumb over her hand lightly. All his conflicting feelings about Alice and their relationship went out the window as soon as he saw her broken in Sebastian's arms. But now that she was safe and recovering, the warring feelings came creeping back. He shook his head and tried to push it out of his mind once again. He would deal with it later. ------------ Josephine looked up when Elijah spoke. She shrugged and looked down, going outside to sit at the back steps. "Is it wrong of me to feel jealous?" She asked quietly, looking out at the small herb garden and woods beyond that. "Am I overreacting? Jack always claimed to see her as a little sister so it's natural to be that attentive over someone you think is family, right?" She bit her bottom lip with uncertainty. "And besides, we aren't even together anymore." She looked down at the faint tan line on her ring finger where her engagement ring had been.