[@shivershiver] Your secret is safe with me. But yeah the first half of MGSV was okay but after they finished up with Skullface everything started to just feel flat. [@Blue Demon] Alright! [sub][i]But if you break the sacred oath and there is no post tomorrow the world totally won't end or anything like that. That would just be silly.[/i][/sub] [@Atrophy] He will complain about how back in his day they had things like democracy, public education and vacation time to go along with their police brutality, assassinations and plots to take over the world. xD But yeah if we are being serious these are kind of the ages I expected really. Essentially Divers get paid to go on outrageously dangerous suicide missions for a living and they have a tendency to err on the side of stupidly heroic decisions rather than common sense. Because hey if you are going to die you might as well die with some style. If you want some depressing facts less than half of all Divers make it through their first year and out of that only about three to five percent will make it past the age of thirty. So yeah Crash and Blank are the most [sub][i][s]lucky sons of bitches[/s][/i][/sub] badass, scariest dudes in the world. You guys are lucky to have them around. [sub][i][s]Run away before they sacrifice your immortal soul to please the vengeful luck gods.[/s][/i][/sub]