[H1]“Come”[/H1] A simple phrase, phrase was even an understatement. The word itself was insignificant, just a collection of syllables. Come: Move or travel towards a specified place. Here, there was not even a location specified. Yet, come they did. One by one, from nothingness into a strange permeable existence. A being spoke to him. A being he knew as Fate. How did he know this entity? How could he even comprehend the idea of an entity? His mind was an infinitely chaotic conglomeration of ideas, wishes, and knowledge, all fighting for dominance. But, yes, Fate had spoken. “You are Daegon” Fate’s voice did not so much reach him as pierce him. Unlocking a section of his infinite mind. A small section that allowed him to know this to be true. Yes, he had though, I am Daegon. “You the God of Deceit, you shall bend the minds of others to your will. You are the Prince of Lies and the King of Thieves.” Lies, King, Thieves, will, Deceit, God, all words that he should not have known, from a logical standpoint. Yet he [i]did[/i] know them, it was as though each word struck a chord within the great double bass that was his mind. Each word sending the great reverberation of knowledge bouncing around within him. It was thus he came into existence. It was thus that the great, agonizing, [i]boring[/i] nothing became something. It was so, interesting. After an infinite amount of time not existing, Daegon knew that he must take advantage of the [i]something[/i] while he was sentient. Oh yes, this world would provide no shortage of entertainment. He may very well have to coax out the entertainment on his own, but he minded not. Those were actions to be taken in the future, for now, he would savor the concept of existence while it still intrigued him.