- Place Holder - Nation Name: Marath Union. Race(s): Alyians. Racial Traits: Peace Talkers(+): If there's a change in peace or prevent a war from breaking loose, they will take it no matter what happens at the end. Due to their religious beliefs, they must think out a peaceful way of ending a war by not just killing everyone before entering a war. Not Great Allies(-): This is due to their religious beliefs as well, since they can't enter a war for no reason at all. They make it bad allies, because they wouldn't join the nation's side. Civilization Tier: Tier 4/3. Population: 232,134,980. Culture/Society: The old generation sticks by their religious, like glue sticks on paper; while the new generation, isn't that strict with their religious and ready to expand beyond their planet. Yet, the older generation wants to stay on the planet and is saying it's a sin to be more powerful against god. But with the last old generation queen dead, the new generation's queen is breaking sin after sin. So said that the world will end when the FTL drive is used for the first time.