Cal committed the locations to memory and gave a bartender a quick thank you while he looked back a bit towards the sheriff. It was a pleasant happening for the older man to show up and though he hadn't had much contact with the lawman seeing one who was always where he needed to be was a welcome sight of relief. After what happened to Serenity he couldn't help being silently glad that the town had someone experienced watching over it and keeping order. The Guerilla however was ready to head out so he went and made sure to grab the posters, and his rifle, before giving the sheriff a friendly smile as he passed the man before heading out of the bar. [i]Now where to go...might as well get the trip to Oldcon over with. I'll have some quiet time scoping the place out at least.[/i] The Guerilla stated making tracks for Oldcon readying himself to deal with Rhonda and fully intending to scout the abandoned area before he did it. No need to rush if it all it took was a single well placed shot from range so he would be making damn sure he knew his options.