[color=fff200]Warehouse: Byz'zul [/color] Byz'zul turned to regard his new-found...well, ally might be a strong word. But considering they'd both just shared a magical game of "beat up the idiot"...partner in crime [i]might[/i] be adequate. The time for introductions, however, was rapidly drawing to a close. The sirens weren't getting any further away-and frankly, he was [i]way[/i] too pretty to do well in jail. Be hell on earth trying to get conditioner in there for one thing. Second, his dating prospects were already limited to people who found horns sexy. Something told him the general population weren't to differ from that norm. [color=fff200]"Well uh. Be seein' ya around huh? I'd introduce myself but...well, police. If one us gets caught, well...I don't know if you buy into that whole honor amongst thieves spiel. Probably best if we split ya know? Well....Bye!"[/color] With that Byz'zul scrambled towards his car, slammed the door, and prayed to whatever dark god happened to listening that the police force ran into at least half as much traffic as he did. ...Maybe twice as stubborn though. [i]That'd be nice.[/i]