[@SgtEasy] Yeaaah 2:30am because I have sleeping issues. Whee. I really feel for the singles working too. I hope they can at least laugh it off, ugh. :( Woo my fiance is great! I WISH I were single a lot more than I was. Relationships suck often. And hard. Ugh. Hahah. Well I'm already in a thread with a bunch of people, I actually did an intro post AFTER joining my first RP. So it's all cool. *nod nod* Oh goodness. I love the Dragonriders of Pern series, I really do. Someone in my WoW Guild actually made fun of the character names on Friday. LEAVE F'LAR ALOOOOOONE. As for which? Moreta Dragonlady of Pern, probably. It was so fucking sad. Ugh. OH SO LOOKING MORE INTO THE AVIDGAMERS/ACORNRACKFIASCO. This is regarding AvidGamers [quote]Or rather, when the domain expired, it was purchased through dotster.com and hosted on a domain parking service called VooDoo.com. [/quote] As for Acorn Rack, many, MANY people complained including me. Some people got answers back, and then silence. I was a paying customer and I didn't even so much get a reply back. Having my data backed up would have been nice. Sigh.